Hello guys. I love League of Legends so i decided to take part in this art madness:) I will create Tryndamere skin. I don't know exactly what i want it to be in the end. But right now i see three options.

First one is Tryndamere Vampire. Life steal is a best thing for Tryndamere thats why i want to give him some teeth to bite;)

Second one is infected tryndamere with bad smell from the mouth:) One thing i know about this guy he can challenge Twitch in League of Stench:)

And a last one is more classic trynda. I call him "wounded beast". I want to give him some bandages on his chest so hee looks like the one who met his maker

But that is just a quick sketches real challenge comes ahead i think.
Here are some update. Trynda face variations.
Hi guys. Here are some variations for Trynda. I don't know where I'm heading right now. Just having fun xD
Some concepts for a sword.
So i decided to use the bone kind of a sword. I'm still need to create some armor for Tryndamere. The idea is he travel through Void to kill some monsters and get a new sword. But after slaying the monster and contacting with its blood Trynda gets corrupted by the Void.
Final Tryndamere concept