Hi! I couldn't decide on what champion to pick, but after a bit of sketching around I got stuck on the idea of remaking the pharao Nidalee splash (which is a little outdated). I might change my mind later, but I'll work on this for a while ^^;
Reference compilation:

And my sketch so far:

I changed her top a little bit, to be more practical. I will crop the image a little, so she is a bit bigger. Ah, and I'll probably make the cat bigger and more serious later haha
Comments and feedback are very welcome

Alternative composition
The graphics card in my computer decided to die on me, so I have to work on my laptop with this
I decided to go with the middle composition, since it was the most interesting to me :P
I hope to be done with the grayscale today or tomorrow, so i can move on to the bg. Any feedback is appreciated, since perspective isnt my forte
Keep it up!