I notice that if my project is broken up into 2 separate groupings that when I import the mesh it breaks it up into two slots. How do I go back and forth between those two slots when creating materials?
Your groups should be visible in the top right corner of the DDO window, just click the one you want to add materials to and then you´re good to go, note that this require two separate sets of input maps as well
You should see the other groups when you are inputing maps as well, so its important to make sure you input the correct inputmaps to the correct parts (cant tell you how many times I´ve put the face maps on the body and vice verse )
But you can always go to "Reimport inputs" if you missed some maps or missplaced them!
Your groups should be visible in the top right corner of the DDO window, just click the one you want to add materials to and then you´re good to go, note that this require two separate sets of input maps as well
But you can always go to "Reimport inputs" if you missed some maps or missplaced them!