Hi Eric thanks for the reply and some info about your base machine. Do you have any specs for what HW in particular benefits dDo? Multiple Core speed/single core speed etc etc?
"as for "- set all relevant folders to Read-Only" I would not recommend this! " - actually what I meant was they're on Read-Only by default. I enabled writing as someone suggested but it didn't help.
As for your other suggestions, I've tried everything else suggested in your list. I've tried both on SSD C drive and spinning D drive (PS and Quixel). I have 40GB free of space on C drive which should be enough right? right!? It doesn't seem to be much fuller at the time of crashes.
I'd already set undos to 1 and deleted/installed 4/5 versions of Photoshop and reset prefs.
There are non alpha-numerics in my paths.
Every EXE in Quixel's sub folders are set to Admin as well as PS
I found a workaround (albeit frustrating) where I set the work resolution to 50% prior to creating the project. That seems to stop the unsharp mask and unsupported PS errors.
I have a super important assignment coming un next week and I really need quixel 2 to do it so I installed it on my stationary computer. The thing is that I can't create a new project, im only able to import a project and when I try to create a project this shows up. Also, when I open 3DO my model insn't there and the page is empty. Please, help !
Are you using the latest version of the SUITE? As the FAQ mentions, it's not just the VC redistributable - it's also due to using versions of the SUITE that date prior to 2.0.4.
"as for "- set all relevant folders to Read-Only" I would not recommend this! " - actually what I meant was they're on Read-Only by default. I enabled writing as someone suggested but it didn't help.
As for your other suggestions, I've tried everything else suggested in your list. I've tried both on SSD C drive and spinning D drive (PS and Quixel). I have 40GB free of space on C drive which should be enough right? right!? It doesn't seem to be much fuller at the time of crashes.
I'd already set undos to 1 and deleted/installed 4/5 versions of Photoshop and reset prefs.
There are non alpha-numerics in my paths.
Every EXE in Quixel's sub folders are set to Admin as well as PS
I found a workaround (albeit frustrating) where I set the work resolution to 50% prior to creating the project. That seems to stop the unsharp mask and unsupported PS errors.
CPU - single core is OK, 2.5-3.5 Ghz
RAM - 16-32 GB for 8K+ -project, 8GB is enough for för 4K- projekt
SSD - As scratchdisk/PS installation disk.
Graphics card does not matter that much for 1.8, but the next version a GTX 600+ should suffice.
I have a suggestion on how to fix this issue, I will PM you the details!
I have a super important assignment coming un next week and I really need quixel 2 to do it so I installed it on my stationary computer. The thing is that I can't create a new project, im only able to import a project and when I try to create a project this shows up. Also, when I open 3DO my model insn't there and the page is empty. Please, help !
This error occurs in versions earlier than 2.04. There are two ways of resolving this:
1 - Update to the latest version (which would prompt to install VC Redistributable 2015 (x64))
2 - Manually install VC Redistributable 2015 (x64) version from the following website: https://www.microsoft.com/en-pk/download/details.aspx?id=48145