
I have been using the Quixel Suite for a few weeks now,but since the release of the 1.5 i had encountered many issues on the road.First,the 64x version didn't work at all,when i start it the mouse just loads for a few seconds,then stops,then loads again for a few seconds and finally stops

Back then i could use the 86x version and even though it was really slow it was better than nothing,but now things are getting a bit more serious because since yesterday i can no longer use the Quixel Suite at all : everytime i start it and input a color map,i get this crash :

I tried starting the Quixel Suite Suite from it routes folders but even her nothing works.When starting manually DDO from this path "
C: \Users\Public\Quixel\SUITE\x64\bin\Release " it launches successfully but just when the DDO window is loaded here is what i get with a crash :

NDO works pretty well tho,but i can't load 3DO from the force refresh button,have to manually load it too :poly141:
That's all,thanks in advance for the help !