1. Try to leave at least one critique per post. It makes you a better artist if you have the ability to give constructive critiques. Just because you're working on a different concept piece, doesn't mean you can't give feedback to others.
2. Challenge yourself.
3. Your final presentation should be posed and rendered in real-time. (Marmoset, or game-engine like UE4 or Unity)
4. Try your best to finish on time.
5. Post your work-in-progress in this thread.
6. Specify your own triangle count and texture size. Be reasonable and stick to your budget. Some suggestions are as follows:
Mobile: 2k Triangles, 512 Maps
Low Res: 8k Triangle, 1024 Maps
Mid Res: 16k Triangles, 2048 Maps
High Res: 32k Triangles, 4096 Maps
7. Similar to
#6, you may pick an art-style yourself. You are, after all, an artist too. (Realistic, Stylized, Cartoony, etc)
8. Learn as much as you can. Share what you've learned.
High Res: 32k Triangles, 4096 Maps
Style - Doing my best to match the concept exactly (still not sure how I'm going to go about the hair.)
Good luck everyone
I will start off with just doing this as a bust.
The goal I have for this month is ...
1. No basemesh. I used someone else's basemesh for my last 2 pieces. So this time I want to start from scratch.
2. Nice hair planes. Like, really really nice hair planes.
But I'll keep an eye on this thread anyway and check back to give some crits I guess.
Good luck everyone and have fun!
I'm jumping on hangout now to start on her bust
Thanks man. A little of both. I am going to sculpt her in pose, but then re use parts (for example, leg armor, and gloves.) Have fun with the bust
Hair is placeholder for visualization.
Not working two jobs anymore so I have time!
I"ll be sketching a reference later today!
I sketched a quick reference to use while I model, anyone can use them if they want a quick start. If there's any issues with the reference I'd love to know, mainly with proportions which I realize I have a problem with.
Arm placement is also really off. Her head is a lot more exposed than it should be. Her right arm especially would work a lot more to her benefit if she lowered the elbow and raised the forearm to cover her face better.
Also, the angle on her left hand makes no sense.
I don't really mind the foot, I see it more as making a pose rather than trying to kick something.
Quick fix:
Alternatively you could lean her leg a bit more forward to balance the original pose of the right arm.
@ProteinPannkaka, Nice progress you got there
Here's update on my bust. Got help from the hangout ^^ Already retop this into nice sculpting basemesh.
I think the point is that the form is supposed to create a cross?
At work atm though on my lunch, so I'll post again tonight with some feedback for everyone else that has posted!
I didn't get much done yesterday, but today I've been blocking out most details and cleaned up some parts. So I'll call this Day 3:
Oh yea, I'm not criticising the design part of it, just gets weird when you picture it in 3D.
I always leave head on a separate subtool/mesh from the body.
Take a look through some resources.
Hope this can help a few of you out with this piece.
@apollo580, The thing jumping at me the most is her lack of rib cage.
Here's my update
I know it's placeholder and all, but she's got a serious case of the crazy eyes. I'd suggest fixing that up.
Apollo580, make sure to use a variety of useful, descriptive reference so you can get all the major forms in from every angle. You're missing lats and her ribcage from the front is kinda missing, among a few other things. Here's some good reference I prepared earlier, and just keep at it!
2. will aim for triangle count and texture size of:
High Res: 32k Triangles, 4096 Maps
3. aim to match the image with the Cartoony style.
goodluck to everyone else
i dont know how experienced you are but people do so many unnecessary things. i suggest u loose all the triange count or "rendering" in UE4. u dont need that. what a beginner needs is practice. doesnt get u anywhere if u restrict yourself by a freaking tri count 0o like who is you (tri count). most people dont even get the anatomy right. they set the goal for a whole character. its too much either (in my eyes). focus on one area. do a bust and really get in there. there is so so so so so so so much to do even on a bust, trust me!
this is my suggestion to everyone here : )
Trying to block in the proportions and some basic anatomy! Hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction with the anatomy. I have also changed the head a little but I haven't gotten around to making it look right just yet.
Also the head is looking a little childlike atm!
PyrZern: Yeah I agree with bagelhero about the eyes, just that small change will make a huge difference to the model, other than that its looking great keep going!
apollo580: Its a good start, but it looks like you are working with too high of a subD - try bumping it down a lot so you can move forms and get proportions right easier - then you can work your way up, it tends to help make the model less lumpy also
ProteinPannkaka: thanks for the feedback! I'll get to that tomorrow most likely in my lunch break, gonna spend a while trying to get the head right.
Your model is looking great so far, nothing much to say so far apart from carry on! haha
Thanks all
Thanks guys ^^ I hope this is better now. Learning to sculpt better hair at the moment. And the back of her hair ponytails thing is crazy
For hair, maybe something a bit more like this method? It might garner a bit more of a "clean" edge.
I've made the changes PyrZern mentioned about the torso, I have also tweaked a few other things from the anatomy also.
The head is still very WIP still - can't seem to get the shape and style right on her for some reason!
PyrZern: Models looking awesome so far. I've found hair to be a nightmare to get looking right, best bet is to just sink a lot of time into it until it looks good! haha - the tutorial BagelHero linked is great and its hopefully a similar style to what you are aiming for.
@BagelHero Thanks for the great source and advice, I really appreciate it.
Thanks for everyone's input and critique so far, I'll put more time into this and try to make an improvement for my next update!
Question for everyone, does anyone know of any free models I can download to check out the anatomy? I think it would help if I could 'physically' see what Im aiming for in terms of anatomy and such in a 3D format
Here's my anatomy base. I'm going to try to make this high res model with 4096
I'm still blocking out the body at the moment.
@Zukan More muscles ^^
Here's my progress on her hair ^^ That Elsa tutorial link was very helpful ^^
Started work on the clothes now - I'll revisit the anatomy later on I think . Will need to clean up some of the areas that are lumpy.
Nika: Thanks for the feedback - I have changed the neck
Zukan: Hey man looking good! the arms are looking a little on the thin side atm.
Thanks all
@Trawler: I belive
@doomprodigy: Her arms are too long. Also it coudl help if you focus on the anatomy itself instead of making her clothed.
Here's my update
@Trawler Thanks for pointing out the arms, you were right. I really dig how your tunic is coming along. Any chance you could write a quick description on the steps you took? I feel I still struggle with getting clean edges where I need them.
Here is where I am at after today. I tried to beaf up the arms, started on the clothes and did the head.
Terrifying to actually post to one of these! But I'd love C&Cs.
This is the first run at it, I'm thinking I'll go to mudbox now for the fun stuff :poly122:
Also huge thanks to iadagraca, I' have never gotten this far without the refs!
@Andromeda You can adjust her form/shapes a bit more before sculpting. Like bigger hands, and watch out for her shoulders/armpits area. And as for her face, you will want better topology for that. Here's a simple one.
@J_Kirkwood Looks good there man! Her upper body seems quite long compared to her overall. Too long body makes her legs and her arms short. Also, her head is pretty big even for a stylized character. In general, usually aim for 7.5 head tall for a grown woman.
Done, me think ^^