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Responsibility of an artist

If a artist makes a painting, is he then responsible for the influence it has on other people or are the people themselves responsible for the influence it has on them. I couldn't find a well argumented answer for this question. I hope I can get a well argumented answer on this forum and it would be appreciated if you can find a source for your answer. But opinions are also helpful!

Thank you in advance.


  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    I'd say that both are responsible. Without either party doing their thing then it wouldn't exist in the final form.
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    Depends on artist intent and the context of the art.

    If I'm painting an illustration for an action game and it depicts a character shooting other characters (cuz that's exactly what you'd do in the game) it's not my intention to "command" viewers to do the same in reality, to get weapons and massacre people.

    If I'm painting an illustration that includes characters wearing revealing outfits for the purpose of marketing a game t doesn't necessarily mean that's my (or my employers) viewpoint of men or women in reality, that they look better in skimpy outfits, that they should always wear sexy clothes, etc.

    But there are groups and individuals who'd do "hate literature" or memes meant to put down, insult and incite trouble. ( Or...like North Korea propaganda producers re-purpose videos from action games to promote state aggression towards the west.)

    In free speech societies you can't just bar them for pushing their agendas. So I'm more in favor of none violent discussion or protest and supporting initiatives to protect vulnerable people with mental health issues so they wont harm themselves and others.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I don't know exactly what you mean by influence, but if some dude looks at a painting of a flower, and it inspires him to go on a killing spree, I wouldn't throw the painter in jail.

    If an artist sees a painting and it inspires him to do his own, or perhaps make a movie, or whatever... the credit for those works still go to the final artist. Everything we do is built upon thousands of years of inspiration and influenced by the things we've seen, even if we aren't consciously aware. We should appreciate the work that inspires us, and perhaps even give it some credit, but if we give too much credit to those who influence us, and those who influence them, you end up with a never-ending loop of artists who, without their work, yours would not exist.
  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    OttinkMike wrote: »
    I couldn't find a well argumented answer for this question. I hope I can get a well argumented answer on this forum and it would be appreciated if you can find a source for your answer.
    no offense, but is this homework? why do you need a source for opinions?
  • OttinkMike
    Yes, you are right it is also homework. Since I couldn't find any conclusive facts for this question I was hoping that there are artists on this forum who also did research for this question, and if they found some interesting results. But opinions are also helpful because they make me look to the problem in another way so I guess either opinions or research based answers are good but I figured that if I didn't ask for a source I would only get opinions. So my bad on that one but I hope this answers your question.
  • spiderDude
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    spiderDude polycounter lvl 13
    OttinkMike wrote: »
    I couldn't find any conclusive facts for this question

    You never will find any conclusive facts because the question and topic is subjective. All you're going to find is opinions and snippets to support said opinion. I believe the point of your homework is to form your own opinion on the question.
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Can you give a specific example of what you're talking about?

    Because unless you're asking about legal responsibility, you're not going to get anything but opinions because that's all this question boils down to.
  • OttinkMike
    Uhm yes I can explain it more. So I was asked to look at the arguments people who think that artists are 100% responsible for the influence their work has on others, and to the arguments of people who think its the opposite. And by that I mean what the art does to the people that view it. But I am looking for research about this question. I might not be able to find conclusive facts to what art does to the human brain but there must be some research about it right?
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    That's not a specific example :/

    I don't know what circles you've been hanging around in but I have never in my life seen someone claim that an artist is 100% responsible for someone else's behavior
  • OttinkMike
    I didnt get a specific example with the assignment. Only that question. But I understand that this is an ever debatable topic so maybe looking for research to what art does to the human brain is better. And I understand that even then I wont be able to get an answer but that will be as close as I can get then I gues.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Art is only as good as the culture that surrounds, but gets blamed by every social faction ~ Yoda.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    I think it's very important to understand the concept that some people are conscious of what they do and that it just isn't the majority. In other words, most people are easy to manipulate, so it's important to understand that we do actually have a responsibility when we make art, games, films, etc.

    I'm not saying that we are 110% responsible for the behavior of others. I'm saying that it's important to recognize that we do have a certain degree of influence depending of the situation.

    I wouldn't even go that far crime rates have been dropping for a long time now, even while games and film have been getting more violent.

    Most connections between art and say violent crime is people digging too deep and trying to build a correlation == causation argument.

    Sure people will view different kinds of art and take away from it, and possibly use it to form oppions. But any actions they take after that are all on them not the creator of said art.

    Also art is reflective of the environment it was created in, which in many cases could be the same or similar environment to the person taking in the art.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    an artist can't be responsible for other people reaction to his art because people are as subjective as art is..What one person finds grotesque..another may find beautiful, intriguing, and even influential (positive or negative)

    Was Scorcese responsible for assassination attempt on Ronald Reagon because Hinckley latched onto his Film Taxi Driver?

    Art may provoke any number of responses, it's up to the individual ( or the guardian of individuals who do not have the faculties to process these responses) to act responsibly.

    this rationale is akin to "The Devil made me do it"
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Commercial artists whose work is used to hammer society into believing that consumerism and a dictated and manipulated personal image is the only acceptable norm are contributing to a shallow and irresponsible cultural climate. But hey it aint easy to make a living from art, commercial or otherwise so because I am in a glass house I will stop throwing stones.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Honestly regarding your assignment, I think your best bet would be to do some research on the nature vs nurture argument (or any sociological/psychological studies regarding the impact of external influence on human action and interaction), consider artworks as being on the "nurture" side of things, and try to come up with something from there.

    Because honestly, the question on its own is so utterly subjective, the most accurate thing you can probably submit otherwise is "*shrug*", and I doubt that'd get you high marks.
  • Racer445
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    Racer445 polycounter lvl 12
    I will never be blazed enough for this thread.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    Racer445 wrote: »
    I will never be blazed enough for this thread.


    OP: Out of pure curiosity what class are you doing that requires analysis of this nature? And what school do you go to?
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