Hi there,
so here is a new crash report

When I try to convert a normal map to a Height map ndo crash and got this message :

I'm using Photoshop CC x64 (us version)
Quixel 1.6.
So I try to convert my Normal map into a Cavity map, it works.
But when I try ton convert my Cavity into a Height.. nothing happens.. absolutely nothing.
lejo1989 - what version are you running, is your PS also Eng?
That message pops up for me as well, but im just trying to launch either NDO or DDO. I have the latest version of it installed. Please let me know what I can do.
Thank you
For you who are having problems running the suite:
Non english PS may causes problems with NDO
Make sure there are no non-alphanumerical characters in the installation path for the suite
Is there any antivirus program that might block the suite?
Try running both PS and The suite as Admin
Start with that and see if it helps, let me know otherwise!