Hey all,
I've finally been able to [make time to] convert my
3dsMax tools for UE4 to Maya! Now you can maximize your workflow!
(name pending)

Be sure to get the most recent versions of the script (Last Updated: 10/31/14)
Install the tool into the /Documents/maya/scripts
Load in the script through the script editor. From here you have the option to create a shelf icon for your own personal use.

Greg's Tools for Maya.
Unreal Engine 4 Scene & Grid Spacing:
This tool sets up the default system units (centimeters, generic Maya units) and default grid spacing (10units), and changes so that the scene is Z up. Also has the ability to toggle different sizes of grid matching UE4's grid snaps.
Unreal Engine 4 Reference Spawner:
This tool will spawn in a to-scale (6'5 Based on UE4 Shooter Template) box into your scene.
Unreal Engine 4 Collision:
This tool takes the selected collision meshes, and will rename those selected using a supplied base name and converting it into the appropriate syntax for UE4.
FBX Export for Unreal Engine 4:
Allows you to export you mesh for UE4.
//Greg's Tools for Maya v. 1.0.0
//Global Variables
string $filename = "";
//Check if tool is alredy open
if(`window -exists GregsTools`){
deleteUI GregsTools; //Delets window when it already exists
//Create the Window
window -t "Greg's Tools" -widthHeight 162 400 -mnb false -mxb false GregsTools;
rowColumnLayout -columnWidth 1 162 -rowSpacing 1 10;
text -label "Maya v1.0.0" -align "left";
//Group Frame "Scene Setup"
text -label "Scene Setup";
//UE4 Scene Setup Button
button -label "Setup UE4 Scene" -command "createUE4Scene()";
//Horizontal Rule
text -label "-----------------------------------------------";
//Group Frame "Grid Spacing"
text -label "Grid Spacing";
//Grid Spacing Option Menu
optionMenu -changeCommand "grid -size #1" gridBox;
menuItem -label "1";
menuItem -label "5";
menuItem -label "10";
menuItem -label "50";
menuItem -label "100";
menuItem -label "500";
menuItem -label "1000";
menuItem -label "5000";
menuItem -label "10000";
optionMenu -e -v "10" gridBox;
//Horizontal Rule
text -label "-----------------------------------------------";
//Group Frame "Reference Spawn"
text -label "Reference Spawn";
//Spawn Simple Box Reference
button -label "Simple Box" -command "spawnSimpleBox()";
//Horizontal Rule
text -label "-----------------------------------------------";
//Group Frame "UE4 Collision"
text -label "UE4 Collision";
//Button for UE4 Collision tool
button -label "Set Up Collision" -command "setUpUE4Collision()";
//Horizontal Rule
text -label "-----------------------------------------------";
//Group Frame "FBX for UE4"
text -label "FBX for UE4";
//Button to Export FBX
button -label "Export" -command "SaveLocation()";
//Functions ------------------------------------------------
//Create UE4 Scene
proc createUE4Scene()
setUpAxis "z";
currentUnit -linear "centimeter" -angle "degree" -time "film";
grid -size 10 -spacing 10 -divisions 1;
//Spawn Simple Box
proc spawnSimpleBox()
if(`objExists UE4ReferenceBox`)
confirmDialog -title "Reference Exists" -message "Reference Box already exists in your scene." -button "OK" -dismissString "OK";
polyCube -depth 196 -width 64 -height 64 -name "UE4ReferenceBox";
move -absolute 0 0 98 UE4ReferenceBox;
move -r 0 0 -98 UE4ReferenceBox.scalePivot UE4ReferenceBox.rotatePivot;
select -clear;
//UE4 Collision
proc setUpUE4Collision()
string $collisionName;
//Creates prompt
string $result = `promptDialog -title "Collision Setup" -message "Enter parent object name below:" -button "Rename" -button "Cancel" -defaultButton "Rename" -cancelButton "Cancel" -dismissString "Cancel"`;
//if OK is pressed
if($result == "Rename")
string $sel[] = `ls -long -sl`;
float $size = size($sel);
int $suffix = 0;
string $suffixNum = "0";
$collisionName = `promptDialog -query -text`;
if($size == 0)
confirmDialog -message "There were no objects selected" -button "OK" -dismissString "OK";
if($size != 0)
if($collisionName != "")
for ($i = 0; $i<$size; $i++)
if($size == 1)
rename $sel[$i] ("UCX_" + $collisionName);
if($size > 1)
string $suffixNum = (string)$suffix;
rename $sel[$i] ("UCX_" + $collisionName + "_" + $suffixNum);
$suffix += 1;
confirmDialog -message "Selected objects have been renamed." -button "OK" -dismissString "OK";
//FBX Export To UE4
proc SaveLocation()
fileBrowser("ExportFile","OK", "FBX export",2);
proc ExportFile(string $dirpath, string $type)
FBXExport -f ($dirpath) -s;
confirmDialog -title "Success!" -message "The file has beeen Exported." -button "OK" -dismissString "OK";
//Show Greg's Tools
showWindow GregsTools;
//Copyright Greg Amato. www.iamgregamato.com. tools.iamgregamato.com. 2014.
Takes care of all the annoying stuff
+Funtional support for FBX export.