DETACHED is a game prototype I have worked on during my freetime. 'Detached' is a full game idea, where you play a third person action game. The basic idea is that you play a soul-like entity that is able to detach and fly from robot to robot in the level to switch different types of gameplay. There are elements of racing and combat and a lot of platforming.
In this visual proof of concept rendered in Unreal Engine 4 I have only focused on posing the content that I made before to inspire people with what the game would look like if it was made.
It's also my try on experimenting with stylized environments. And colour!
The actual game prototype was made using the Grit Engine which is an open source PBR ready engine out there. Definitely worth a look if you're interested in open source software. It's only because UE4 would make it more portfolio ready that I took it there, that and the ease to put something together real quick!
TLDR; Screenshots:
This is pretty much my final piece this time, anymore work will likely be on the game if I get back to it after this.
So the look is mainly achieved with low resolution textures, using nearest filtering and no mipmaps. The style is low poly but with geometry where it's sometimes needed to make the silhouette work.
I didn't want to go all out low poly work, nor too much detail, it takes a long enough time to UV map the meshes as it is already.
My quick and dirty textures, feels like revealing my intimacy
Most of the props belong in that very tiny corner bottom right, building ones could potentially be shrinked to 256 if needed for the project.
Thank you for reading/watching
Looking at it longer I also feel that those plants, especially the ones on walls, doesn't fit to well there too.
But I didn't slept last night at all so this may be a problem why I feel like this
another dumb idea: cant you lower resolusion of the shadows until that gets pixeleted to? could be a kind of cool effect.
mantragora: That's very good criticism there, thank you. You're not the first to point out the foliage texel ratio, I did rework it this morning and doubled the size now o an astonishing 32x32 pixels texture :P I believe it works better among the rest. I did put more segments on the tubes too.
lotet: it looks sharper in the grit engine, UE4 displays very smooth images even without filtering. If I removed the AA it then becomes waay to noisy. The shadows trick can be done in Grit, but I don't think I can easily in Unreal since it smooth out the shadows a lot, even low res.
As those images are direct link they got updated in the first post based on what you guys said
I'd think you should separate 'filling' space from accents. Now it's like every piece of screen tries catch viewer's attention. Nothing here is the background.
Tubes are a cool feature of this environment, kind of glue it all together. But why do they have rings inside them? that block the flow of whatever is transported through them? :P
BTW- project name:
I love this style, great execution. Would love to see a quick breakdown how you go about making the modular pieces and how your applying your mix-maps you posted.
The tubes are part of a futurama-like transportation network, the glowing disks between pieces are teleportation fields alike kind of thing!
Ootrick: Thanks, here's a quick breakdown put together a minute ago, it's one of the latest items I have textured, the textures were never intended for that but it worked nicely in the end. ;-)
JamesTKirk: thanx
I'm getting some strong Scrapland vibes from the game idea, which is awesome. Would love to see this come to life!
Aha! Love how you bridge the seems with the simple highlights, great stuff I love the style.
Thank you for the texture breakdown too! If you were to add more pixilated elements as mentioned above like fog and foliage it would sell your idea better.
Hah, Sunset Overdrive. I've seen so many good art being created for it, from the people I watch on facebook and on game websites also. It's really brave, I think.
(I see white glasses for example, completely opaque, and I'm like - "oh, it so unrealistic" - but yet I liked Hotline Miami, right? so it's breaking the rules, definitely, like a good art piece would do. Sadly it's an X1 exclusive, which I don't own.)
I was thinking more about the negative space between the details. To have some neutral space from which details can pop up. Also it should help with defining of edges vs walls:
Now maybe I have overdone it, that's a possiblity! That's very good feedback regardless :-)
Notice the depth with a clear foreground, middle ground, and background. Your background buildings and sky in that first shot is only like 5-10% of the image. The Sunset screen does a really good job framing the big blowup guy and the main character. The chaos and visual noise is focused in the center of the screen, while those two characters sit outside a bit. You could try something like that with some of your vehicles, to break it up a bit.