Hi Polycounters:)
I have been learning 3DS Max over the last few months and wanted to do an asset that I could put some high-low poly, Max/zbrush action into practice, as well as hopefully some texturing and rendering in Marmoset.
I really wanted to do some cool vintage/retro/antique-y model, and have seen a lot of awesome vending machines/jukebox models that I didn't want to copy. So I found this cool little slot machine, that I thought would be good to practice both Turbosmooth modelling in Max, and sculpting in Zbrush, and which also has a wide selection of materials.

This is what I have so far in Max: (sorry for small images, I will render larger images next time)

And a couple of quick renders with turbosmooth

This is the basic body, I still need to do the coin placements and the eagle base in Max before I take each piece into Zbrush to sculpt the details.
I have a few problems with the turbosmoothed mesh at the moment though. I am not sure whether to spend a couple more hours in Max to try and fix these, or if it would be faster in Zbrush. I'm not exactly a Zbrush pro though.....

The problems are all on that top fruit-roll-coin-entering part (technical name). It was the most difficult to model, and as it was on a slant, it was a major pain keeping all the faces planar to each other. So that and the jointed areas are the biggest issues.
Place Coins
Eagle Base Mesh
Fix Issues
Thanks for taking the time to look, C&C very welcome!