Hey guys,
Im looking for some feedback on this guy I am working on. Anything that stands out as "wrong" or aint doing it for you . He is meant to be some sort of jungle boy like tarzan so that is why he has bigger arms and defined chest.
So would love to hear any thoughts!
the horns dont read as horns that well. I thought it was hair at first. maybe sharpen them up a bit would help?
osed - Thanks! Glad you pointed that out. I was thinking the same but have looked at it for too long and wasnt too sure. Want people to know they are horns!
Anyone have have any crits on the overall forms and proportions?
other than that I think your design is really nice, the eyes stand out well. I think I'd like to see the hands be a bit larger in proportion, give him a nice cartoony child look.
I am doing a pass over the whole charterer once more before getting final crits on the sculpt. Will post back soon enough.
Updated the anatomy here and there. The arms and torso area had the biggest re work. Happy to hear any thoughts or suggestion before I move on to retopo!
I hear you on the face. It has also lost some of the deffnation since I dynameshed. Will tweak it once I retop. WEhat isnt working for you in that area (pectoral/bicep/deltoid junction) ?