Hello Polycount peeps!
Me and a friend (joakimareschoug here at Pc) are making a small webGL based game. We've been focusing mostly on style so far, but the plan is to make a cool spacey game. Hopefully we'll have some proper gameplay and controls ready soonish.
This of course means that any feedback/comments, praise or hate (I guess) is very welcome!
The game will be made with a webGL 3D engine called Goo Engine, and the physics are cannonjs, so it's completely playable in (almost) any browser. If you go to
http://www.trifgame.com you can play it at its current state. WASD to move. Super pre pre-alpha state (and you will notice the controls are iffy, at best.)
Full disclosure: we are both working for a company Goo Technologies, which is creating a 3D engine on the web. With that said, this is a personal side project for us, and is not made to promote the company in any way. It is however very convenient for us to use our own product.
Anyway, trifgame.com to try it out, hope you'll like and follow the progress!
Note: This will run on mobile/tablet as well (cant guarantee it will be smooth), but we have yet to implement touch support!
I presume you're using Unity, and the physx library for control by using forces.
When your speed increases, your force should be inversely proportional to the magnitude of the forward vector so you don't rotate as easily. (No sure if you're using motorforce to rotate or applying a force on the tip of the boat). If this was helpful or you need more help i have a c# script that I've written for a project of mine that has so nifty force-based controls. PM me if you need it.
Cheers !
It's actually not unity, but a web based engine; the goo engine. As for the physics, its cannonjs. But you are absolutely right about how they function, applying a force. Thats basically all thats been done with them as of now as well, and its mostly just to test the physics and see if the collissions work etc. But you are right of course, they are a super weak point at this moment!
i would exspect a lot of friction while sliding or strafing sidewards. ride now the ground it feels much more like ice than water.
Anyway the graphics are wonderful !
Thanks for all the feedback!=) We finally had some time to work a bit on this.
Updates! We tweaked the controls a bit, so no more infinite acceleration! Yay=)
Also dampening on speed and rotation, which means you wont start spinning completely out of control when running into the rocks.
A couple of graphics updates as well, with a new skybox among other things. Its all a little bit brighter!
A friend of ours wanted to experiment a bit, where he linked a song from soundcloud and made the frequency influence the emissive channel of the ship. Its not super perfect and doesnt always show up, but if you see it, its there... haha.
Hope we are going in the right direction with this!
As always, its playable right over at
And after getting used to the controls, I found steering the ship very enjoyable.
Also, here's one idea that would improve the game feel a lot: Let the camera lag slightly behind the ship's position and rotation and the player will get a way better sense of speed and movement. Right now, the ship might as well be a 2D Sprite, because the perspective never changes.
Also, if you guys are interested in performance on different computers, you could put a FPS counter somewhere on the screen. I have a fairly powerful laptop, but I think I'm running at about 20 - 25 FPS.
Keep it up, I'm curious what this project will become!
Absolutely right about having the camera lagging a bit, we'll have to do something about that!
Good note about the FPS counter as well... We're both sitting on fairly powerful desktop computers, so I guess we haven't thought much of optimization yet.
the art looks good, though some indication of speed would be nice
We are aware of that the collisions are currently not handled in an acceptable way. But we have updated the game with:
- A properly functioning water script (The fallback versions was used in the previous version but now, it looks awesome!
- We have also adjusted controls and how the camera and spacecraft behaves when you turn.
- The biggest update though, is probably a first iteration on the game mechanics. By driving into the circles of light, you activate the wind power stations on the different islands. By doing so you activate the center column and a simple win condition is fulfilled.
With the previous update, a different level design was implemented.
You find the game on the same link as before, http://trifgame.com/
if you have a few minutes, please let us know what you think about the changes we made based on your feedback
If you're new to this thread, feel free to drop some feedback-bombs on us!