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Pro Players looking for sets



  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    I wouldn't accept anything below 75%, no matter who is the organizer. Ofcourse, I have to work with an organizer who agrees to that. I can survive without them.
  • MagnoHusein
    Vayne4800 wrote: »
    I wouldn't accept anything below 75%, no matter who is the organizer. Ofcourse, I have to work with an organizer who agrees to that. I can survive without them.

    With players we generaly offer 30% to them, tournaments varies so much, some offers are pretty sad ):
  • Toasty
    Ah, thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I've had to turn the tournament down at this time, they refused to negotiate at all and were offering a very low amount. (less then your numbers Magno). Is it common practice to send sets from multiple artists to Valve for evaluation when a tournament is only actually looking to bundle 1 set?
  • MagnoHusein
    Toasty wrote: »
    Ah, thanks for the advice. Unfortunately I've had to turn the tournament down at this time, they refused to negotiate at all and were offering a very low amount. (less then your numbers Magno). Is it common practice to send sets from multiple artists to Valve for evaluation when a tournament is only actually looking to bundle 1 set?

    Hmm ya, I mean when I do for pro players the artist gets 70% and the player 30% (which is the same amount that the polydudes got for the free to play sets, if I'm not mistaken), tournaments varies alot, I got offers of 15% to a cap of 50%.

    I don't like to work with anything below 70% for the artists and 30% to the third party, unless I see it worths somehow.

    Well gotta see who wants a set, TI5 is coming!
  • ShorkGamer
    Offline / Send Message
    ShorkGamer polycounter lvl 7
    I am looking for someone to do the 3d Stuff for the H4nn1 Sniper Set.
    Here is the concept for the rifle so far:
    Add me on steam so we can chat: http://steamcommunity.com/id/shorkgamer
  • polaroid29
    Offline / Send Message
    polaroid29 polycounter lvl 6
    How does the initial planning stage happen, exactly? Does it work like a normal commission where you contact the player with a portfolio, agree, then get to moving on the product?

    I'm asking as a 3d artist.

    Love the thread, btw! I'm a fan/player and artist, so I have some fun ideas already.
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    yeah contact them, show them your work. just how a normal colab would work

    they give you ideas, or they say "make it however I just want something epic"

    then you realise you do 50 concepts and they like none of them... >.>

    Each player is different and communication is key to making sure you are both happy with the experience :)
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Funn1k from navi wants a techies set made ASAP. If anyone is interested, let me know. He has come down to the desired split of 70/30 in favour of the artist. You just have to be willing to work as soon as possible!
  • keinhangia
    Ugh, I cant find any image for Techies base model, anyone?
  • Reyne
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    Reyne polycounter lvl 6
    @keinhangia: Just made this quickly before sleeps. I hope it works for you.

  • katzeimsack
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    katzeimsack polycounter lvl 19
    @Anuxi: I wanted to make a techies set anyway and after new bloom I've got time :)
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Keep in mind that Techies isn't available on the importer yet.
  • keinhangia
  • katzeimsack
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    katzeimsack polycounter lvl 19

    Yeah, not sure if it ever will.. but I planned on making a set for them anyway... might help valve decide, if a good techies set, with pro gamer support, get's attention at the workshop..
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    He said he can do clinkz too :p since techies isnt available/.
  • Pipotchi
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    Pipotchi polycounter lvl 4
    Funn1k is one of my fav players.. making a set for him would be really cool. I have this clinkz concept which I could finish if someone wants to make it/its good enough? The lore behind it is that Clinkz stole magic from a powerful cryomancer to try and negate the hellfire- the unintended result is frozen flames.

    (also adding to my list of horned heroes without horns)
  • AutumnWindz
    Now that New Bloom deadline is past, which I'm sure many workshoppers must've been working hard to meet (some amazing stuff out there this year btw), I wanted to post again to note that many of the Chinese players listed with requests in my earlier post here are still looking for any artists to collaborate... PM me or whatever and I can put you guys in touch, or help communicate as needed. Thank you everyone :)
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Added Ar1se's request for a magnus set
  • Anuxinamoon
    Offline / Send Message
    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    More pros to add:

    1. Hao (Newbee): Spectre
    2. Xtinct: Any support heroes, esp Vengeful Spirit / Earthshaker / Skywrath Mage
    3. Kimo (Execration): Any support heroes, esp Witch Doctor / Earthshaker
    4. Lakelz (MiTH): Anti-Mage / Morphling
  • LivedotaTV
    really nice initiative , gl :)
  • agito666
    More pros to add:

    1. Hao (Newbee): Spectre
    2. Xtinct: Any support heroes, esp Vengeful Spirit / Earthshaker / Skywrath Mage
    3. Kimo (Execration): Any support heroes, esp Witch Doctor / Earthshaker
    4. Lakelz (MiTH): Anti-Mage / Morphling

    i m (still) doing VS design for xtinct actually...:poly121: contacted him/ oling when this thread was still 1 page that time.

    this is the head slot developed 3 months ago before spring event and other projects makes me hiatus for this.
  • CiDDi
    Added Ar1se's request for a magnus set

    I'm interested in making spectre for Hao.
    my workshop:
  • Anuxinamoon
    Offline / Send Message
    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    agito666 wrote: »
    i m (still) doing VS design for xtinct actually...:poly121: contacted him/ oling when this thread was still 1 page that time.

    this is the head slot developed 3 months ago before spring event and other projects makes me hiatus for this.

    fucken love it :D

    Make sure you keep the player informed (or in this case tiffany) so they know whats up. I've had to chase up artists before who have just no communicated with their players.
    Just a hey sorry I'm a lazy ass, still working on it though! Is all they need every couple of weeks. Heh, It's what I was telling envy for a while :D
  • Anuxinamoon
    Offline / Send Message
    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Remember guys; if you want to work on ANY Chinese pro player sets; fastest way to get in contact is talk to this guy, Josh.

    Skype: joshlee.88
  • agito666
    oh ya not to mention i'm chinese as well so i can read chinese lol

    got any question about translation (with bad english grammar) you can find me for that via PM or steam (if you've added me before that) when other chinese translator is not yet free to translate.

    just i can't read the dota hero names in chinese because i play dota with english language so yeah haha... i need some time to google with that name if the original script/ text contain chinese spell / hero name.
  • ReMixx
    agito666 wrote: »
    just i can't read the dota hero names in chinese because i play dota with english language so yeah haha... i need some time to google with that name if the original script/ text contain chinese spell / hero name.

    All of the simplified Chinese names can be found inside of this text file:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\resource\dota_schinese.txt

    Here are most of them:

    "npc_dota_hero_queenofpain"	"痛苦女王"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_queenofpain"	"Queen of Pain"
    "npc_dota_hero_antimage"	"敌法师"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_antimage"	"Anti-Mage"
    "npc_dota_hero_kunkka"	"昆卡"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_kunkka"	"Kunkka"
    "npc_dota_hero_lina"	"莉娜"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_lina"	"Lina"
    "npc_dota_hero_mirana"	"米拉娜"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_mirana"	"Mirana"
    "npc_dota_hero_windrunner"	"风行者"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_windrunner"	"Windranger"
    "npc_dota_hero_slardar"	"斯拉达"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_slardar"	"Slardar"
    "npc_dota_hero_lion"	"莱恩"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_lion"	"Lion"
    "npc_dota_hero_phantom_assassin"	"幻影刺客"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_phantom_assassin"	"Phantom Assassin"
    "npc_dota_hero_tidehunter"	"潮汐猎人"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_tidehunter"	"Tidehunter"
    "npc_dota_hero_witch_doctor"	"巫医"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_witch_doctor"	"Witch Doctor"
    "npc_dota_hero_vengefulspirit"	"复仇之魂"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_vengefulspirit"	"Vengeful Spirit"
    "npc_dota_hero_juggernaut"	"主宰"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_juggernaut"	"Juggernaut"
    "npc_dota_hero_earthshaker"	"撼地者"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_earthshaker"	"Earthshaker"
    "npc_dota_hero_pudge"	"帕吉"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_pudge"	"Pudge"
    "npc_dota_hero_bane"	"祸乱之源"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_bane"	"Bane"
    "npc_dota_hero_crystal_maiden"	"水晶室女"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_crystal_maiden"	"Crystal Maiden"
    "npc_dota_hero_sven"	"斯温"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_sven"	"Sven"
    "npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king"	"冥魂大帝"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_skeleton_king"	"Wraith King"
    "npc_dota_hero_storm_spirit"	"风暴之灵"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_storm_spirit"	"Storm Spirit"
    "npc_dota_hero_sand_king"	"沙王"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_sand_king"	"Sand King"
    "npc_dota_hero_nevermore"	"影魔"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_nevermore"	"Shadow Fiend"
    "npc_dota_hero_drow_ranger"	"卓尔游侠"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_drow_ranger"	"Drow Ranger"
    "npc_dota_hero_axe"	"斧王"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_axe"	"Axe"
    "npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker"	"嗜血狂魔"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker"	"Bloodseeker"
    "npc_dota_hero_phantom_lancer"	"幻影长矛手"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_phantom_lancer"	"Phantom Lancer"
    "npc_dota_hero_razor"	"剃刀"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_razor"	"Razor"
    "npc_dota_hero_morphling"	"变体精灵"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_morphling"	"Morphling"
    "npc_dota_hero_zuus"	"宙斯"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_zuus"	"Zeus"
    "npc_dota_hero_tiny"	"小小"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_tiny"	"Tiny"
    "npc_dota_hero_puck"	"帕克"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_puck"	"Puck"
    "npc_dota_hero_lich"	"巫妖"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_lich"	"Lich"
    "npc_dota_hero_shadow_shaman"	"暗影萨满"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_shadow_shaman"	"Shadow Shaman"
    "npc_dota_hero_riki"	"力丸"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_riki"	"Riki"
    "npc_dota_hero_enigma"	"谜团"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_enigma"	"Enigma"
    "npc_dota_hero_tinker"	"修补匠"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_tinker"	"Tinker"
    "npc_dota_hero_sniper"	"狙击手"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_sniper"	"Sniper"
    "npc_dota_hero_necrolyte"	"瘟疫法师"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_necrolyte"	"Necrophos"
    "npc_dota_hero_warlock"	"术士"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_warlock"	"Warlock"
    "npc_dota_hero_beastmaster"	"兽王"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_beastmaster"	"Beastmaster"
    "npc_dota_hero_venomancer"	"剧毒术士"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_venomancer"	"Venomancer"
    "npc_dota_hero_faceless_void"	"虚空假面"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_faceless_void"	"Faceless Void"
    "npc_dota_hero_death_prophet"	"死亡先知"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_death_prophet"	"Death Prophet"
    "npc_dota_hero_pugna"	"帕格纳"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_pugna"	"Pugna"
    "npc_dota_hero_templar_assassin"	"圣堂刺客"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_templar_assassin"	"Templar Assassin"
    "npc_dota_hero_viper"	"冥界亚龙"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_viper"	"Viper"
    "npc_dota_hero_luna"	"露娜"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_luna"	"Luna"
    "npc_dota_hero_dragon_knight"	"龙骑士"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_dragon_knight"	"Dragon Knight"
    "npc_dota_hero_dazzle"	"戴泽"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_dazzle"	"Dazzle"
    "npc_dota_hero_rattletrap"	"发条技师"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_rattletrap"	"Clockwerk"
    "npc_dota_hero_leshrac"	"拉席克"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_leshrac"	"Leshrac"
    "npc_dota_hero_furion"	"先知"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_furion"	"Nature's Prophet"
    "npc_dota_hero_life_stealer"	"噬魂鬼"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_life_stealer"	"Lifestealer"
    "npc_dota_hero_dark_seer"	"黑暗贤者"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_dark_seer"	"Dark Seer"
    "npc_dota_hero_clinkz"	"克林克兹"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_clinkz"	"Clinkz"
    "npc_dota_hero_omniknight"	"全能骑士"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_omniknight"	"Omniknight"
    "npc_dota_hero_enchantress"	"魅惑魔女"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_enchantress"	"Enchantress"
    "npc_dota_hero_huskar"	"哈斯卡"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_huskar"	"Huskar"
    "npc_dota_hero_night_stalker"	"暗夜魔王"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_night_stalker"	"Night Stalker"
    "npc_dota_hero_broodmother"	"育母蜘蛛"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_broodmother"	"Broodmother"
    "npc_dota_hero_bounty_hunter"	"赏金猎人"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_bounty_hunter"	"Bounty Hunter"
    "npc_dota_hero_weaver"	"编织者"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_weaver"	"Weaver"
    "npc_dota_hero_jakiro"	"杰奇洛"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_jakiro"	"Jakiro"
    "npc_dota_hero_batrider"	"蝙蝠骑士"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_batrider"	"Batrider"
    "npc_dota_hero_chen"	"陈"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_chen"	"Chen"
    "npc_dota_hero_spectre"	"幽鬼"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_spectre"	"Spectre"
    "npc_dota_hero_doom_bringer"	"末日使者"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_doom_bringer"	"Doom"
    "npc_dota_hero_ancient_apparition"	"远古冰魄"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_ancient_apparition"	"Ancient Apparition"
    "npc_dota_hero_ursa"	"熊战士"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_ursa"	"Ursa"
    "npc_dota_hero_spirit_breaker"	"裂魂人"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_spirit_breaker"	"Spirit Breaker"
    "npc_dota_hero_gyrocopter"	"矮人直升机"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_gyrocopter"	"Gyrocopter"
    "npc_dota_hero_alchemist"	"炼金术士"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_alchemist"	"Alchemist"
    "npc_dota_hero_invoker"	"祈求者"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_invoker"	"Invoker"
    "npc_dota_hero_silencer"	"沉默术士"
    "[english]npc_dota_hero_silencer"	"Silencer"

    Spell names are there too. For example:
    "DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada"	"忍术"
    "[english]DOTA_Tooltip_ability_bounty_hunter_jinada"	"Jinada"
  • CiDDi
    Hey everyone! Here is spectre concept for Hao (Newbee).
    will make her with nullf and The Horse Strangler.
  • agito666
    drop an update here:

    here is the VS set i initially want to make 2 styles (head got 4)..
    3D sculpt on the way.....
  • polaroid29
    Offline / Send Message
    polaroid29 polycounter lvl 6
    Are there any updates/changes to this based on the International coming up soon? Some of the requests seem outdated based on the players/patch/tournament (for example, Ferarri 430 doesn't really play Ember Spirit at all anymore, so not sure he'd still be looking for the official Ferrari Ember pro set)
  • MohamedMagdi
    Offline / Send Message
    MohamedMagdi polycounter lvl 3
    Dota 2 Phantom Assassin Set for sale.
    I'm selling my Dota 2 Phantom Assassin set for 50k usd (negotiable). contact me if you are interested.
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