Riven is my favorite champ in the league and I just love her lore, attitude, everything tbh

I'm drawing her as what she would have been in the Noxus vs Ionia war, with noxian armor and all.
Here's one of my Riven half body portrait, done in about 10 hours, hopefully I'll be able to make something better in a month's time
Also, some sketches for poses and her noxian armor, based off Darius

It's a trip into Rivens past, in the Noxus Ionia war, when Singed launched a barrage that killed both her friends, allies and enemies. Here I depict Riven running away from the battle field, lost and scared, leaving her fellow soldiers behind for in Noxus - "Only the strong survive"
I'll post the color scheme soon and then I'll start rendering
Hope you like it, tell me what you guys think!
Any feedback is appreciated!