I participated in two field Illustration and Character Art.
My Concept is ChristMalo.win!
ChristMalo.win means Christmas + Halloween
I brought Concept from Korea singer-song writer Seo-taiji 9th ChristMalo.win.
and Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas!
Good luck to all!:)

Type 1 , Type 2, Type 3
Concept wasn't easy.....
I'm not gonna get away from concept type 1. :poly127:
Maybe..I will choose type 1.:poly121:
I saw your tumblr! You're a great illustrator! I like my middle design as well.
I'm thinking of combining design 1 and 2!
I am holding on to my red muffler by combining one and two!
I thought... my picture alike to composition of original art .
I'll have to think for a bit!
see you again soon~~~ :poly142:
Many people favor type 2!!
I will think that over ~~~~
Thank you!
Thanks mate!
They are two totally different bolts in different shape and size.:poly121:
I thought one is lonely and two identical looking bolts would be boring.