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Temple in the mountains

Hey everyone! I'm part of the way through creating an environment for my course and I'm pretty happy with the result so far but I'm kinda biased towards it so I'd love some critiques and some advice on my temple environment :D.
I've tried to make it pretty modular with the intention of varying the repeated meshes with multiple sculpts in Zbrush. The idea is to make the right side look destroyed and ravaged and a large amount of that should come from tearing bricks away from the floor tiles - but this will be at a later stage. Also I'm really hoping to really coat the scene in overgrown foliage which I think will make it look awesome.
Personally I'm looking to fix the scene in a landscape but I'm rather clueless on how to go about doing this so if anyone has some tips on that then I would be in a world of appreciation!


  • Cheeky_Pickle
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    Cheeky_Pickle polycounter lvl 9
    Hey looks great so far! Perhaps some variation in the pillars on the sides, they are noticeable

    (use the BBcode on imagur (message boards &forums for them to show up in your post)
  • Numbtea
    Hey! thanks for your response, I've gone back and sorted a couple of different shapes for the pillars, let me know what you think.
    Also, I was considering hanging cloth from between the pillars like so in my concept art (which I have deviated from slightly) to give it a really cool atmosphere. :)
    Ps. Im not so great at concept art xD
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