Hi guys!
I used to use ndo2 a lot but I haven't for almost a year now. And today I needed to create a simple tiling normal map from photo texture. However, I can't get a correct result. I don't know wether it's from a bug or a change in the normal creation process but whatever I do I get something like this :

Well... not really what I would expect from a normal map.
I tried several presets... even though I don't get any feedback clicking them. It just seems they are selected because of the layer names in the end. See exemple below with "Full Spectrum" preset :

I don't know what is going on but for now I haven't found any clue on the web.
Thanks in advance for your help.

in the past i found it sometimes works better when you use greyscale images. maybe try that. i also remember there was a post in the support about problems with non-english ps versions. should be solved but maybe it´s related to this!?
I'm using NDO from the quixel suite 1.6.
I'll look for this non-english photoshop version issue.
To solve this I had to go to :
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Locales\fr_MA\Support Files
(fr_MA is for french language so it should be different for a different language)
Then, remove, or rename the file : tw10428.dat
Photoshop won't find the file and will now be in english. And NDO will work just fine! \o/
- Teddy