Hey ladies and gents,
I am new here and hope learn and help as much as possible!
My question lies in topology. I have been asked to make this character into a 3d model. I have sculpted it and I am ready to move forward. I was in the middle of my retopo and I realized I have no idea how this should flow for animation. The problem area I am facing is the nose/nostrils (nostrils closed). I have attached the sculpt.. I would love some feed back!
Thanks for taking a look at my thread.
what i could come up with ughh that stupid nose..
Looks like pretty solid documentation from my view.
Thank you for your post! I have read through that article and about a million others :P I just can't seem to figure out how to get good edge flow on this character. The nose really throws me off...otherwise this would be a piece of cake. I have looked up other models but can't seem to get one similar to this to compare. I hit a wall unfortunately.
The important part is to notice where those termination points occur, the vertices with 5 polygons surrounding it. Essentially what you'll want to do is just make sure you have a couple loops going around the eyes, then hit that transition point at the bottom of the eyes where it starts to flow over the nose and down around the chin. Make sure you have a couple good loops, then hit the termination point at the upper corners of the mouth muscles and loop around the mouth. Hope that helps a bit.
This is exactly the type of direction i needed. I am currently trying out 3d coat for the retopology. Just out of curiosity.. is there a reason the modeller of that image decided to use tri's in the top left temple area? I heard that you want to avoid these.
The triangles are there so that the back of the head has less Geo than the face. A lot of artists will do this if the charter will have hair covering that area just to reduce vertex cost a bit. If I were you I'd keep it quaded and don't worry about it.
Here is the progress so far. I have two poles right beside each other under the eye. I can't seem to figure out how to do the nostril area.
Also that is an awesome resource!
That resource was awesome!