[FONT="]Hi all, I know Im a bit late to the party but hopefully I can still get a tread going Im new to Polycount so if my posts seem strange thats the reason
Its incredible how much awesome stuff has already been put up here, getting me really hyped over the contest. Ill try to add my stuff to the mix on a regular basis as it is made.
I have poured over all the stuff here and a lot of the Riot development vids for the new map. I really like how much effort they have put into every aspect of the map. [/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Some of the coolest parts in my opinion was the fact that they gave etch team a unique animal theme. Blue side is based on a stag and red side is based on an owl, I never would have noticed unless they told me but now I see it everywhere in the design
I also liked that the map changes in approximation to Baron Nasher (the giant worm thing). The map gets more broken up closer to him, with cracks and fissures running through the ground and other terrain.
I have some ideas, for good or bad, and I have got some concepts going that ill post as soon as I can.
[FONT="]Made some concepts for the different assets as well, tried a few different designs some more successful then others.
Creep camps are the ones Im most unsure of. In some of the concepts I tried to take into account the proximity to Barron Nasher gimmick and make the environment break apart or get horribly twisted.
Ill try and get some more done and refine the ones i like enjoy[/FONT]
I just want to make sure you saw this post with the update to the rules:
Hi everyone,
At Riot Games, we have a very strong feedback culture. We pivot and make adjustments when things can be done better or are not working. In the spirit of this culture and after internal conversations with feedback from the community, we have decided to make some tweaks to the environment section of the contest. You can now choose to create the turret or the inhibitor rather than being required to create both. We want to make sure we are giving everyone enough time to create assets that you are proud of and able to finish in time for the December 19th deadline.
We are also tweaking the animation com petition and not have animators pick an established character since animating a specific character without the exact model will be difficult. We want to see solid animations that are keeping the animation style of LoL in mind when creating these ability assets.
We thank you for your understanding and look forward to seeing what you all come up with.
Creep camps are the ones Im most unsure of. In some of the concepts I tried to take into account the proximity to Barron Nasher gimmick and make the environment break apart or get horribly twisted.
Ill try and get some more done and refine the ones i like
Hi everyone,
At Riot Games, we have a very strong feedback culture. We pivot and make adjustments when things can be done better or are not working. In the spirit of this culture and after internal conversations with feedback from the community, we have decided to make some tweaks to the environment section of the contest. You can now choose to create the turret or the inhibitor rather than being required to create both. We want to make sure we are giving everyone enough time to create assets that you are proud of and able to finish in time for the December 19th deadline.
We are also tweaking the animation com petition and not have animators pick an established character since animating a specific character without the exact model will be difficult. We want to see solid animations that are keeping the animation style of LoL in mind when creating these ability assets.
We thank you for your understanding and look forward to seeing what you all come up with.