I'd like to ask you why uv packers are so stupid and treat uv islands as convexes?
I've tested:
-3ds max packer
-xray unwrap
and all of them worked similar. Check out this screen from the official uv-packer website:
Is there any better plugin\script that can handle packing of uv's?
Well that's not the point, it you have too tweak it by hand the technical process doesn't work
I already downloaded demo of the UV Layout and wasn't able to use it ;P UI of this soft is from 80' btw..
Quoted from the UVLayout developer. It's as ugly as sin, but it does what it needs to quite well if you can afford to pay for it.
I made a bump
to write that I'm dumb!
Textools do the job! The soluction was so near.