Hi everyone,
I'm aspiring to become an Environment Artist, or even begin as a Prop Artist in the game industry. I would like some feedback on some objects that I have built so far. Before I upload the pictures I have one question, when rendering the images in Maya should I render using Maya Software, or using Mental Ray instead?
Also when I upload the pictures, feel free to critique on what you all think. Please be honest and let me know what could be improved to help improve my work such as adding more details to my textures such as scratches, wear, etc., or anything else.
Although you say that I should render in Unreal, I have seen some artists use screenshots of what looks like the 3D software that they are using. Or are they taking screenshots of their characters or environment objects in the game engine that they are using?
You will not get any updates anymore but I think for 19€ it's a good deal.
When final, beauty screenshots (i.e. What it is supposed to look like in a real video game), they will usually put it into a realtime rendering engine, preferrably one for a video game, like UE4, Unity, or renderers like Marmoset Toolbag 2.
@JadeEyePanda: I can put my work in-progress screenshots up and see what you all think. When I render from Maya to do this, should I use Maya Software or Mental Ray?