Hello, I am a huge fan of junglers in LoL and I find the tension between Khazix and Rengar to be a great story to illustrate. so here is my stuff so far.
1. sketch and decide where to go


2. Getting stuff rolling with Rengars armor and what Id like the lighting to be like.

3.Doing more rengar work

4. Doing some Khazix

5. Putting in the detail, shadows, lights.

6.Trying to get the backround and feel to a more epic shodown kinda feel.

And thats all I got so far.
After I started on this Bi-Polar bear, I wanted to go for a "calm before the storm" kinda look. however he needed armor.
and now Im just working on rendering the armor and his fur.
In the end Im going to go for some harsh snow falling doing and some cool light effects from his blue glowy thing he has on him, maaah, ill show it later once its doen hehe.
Here I wanted to start doing the lights on his armor and how they would affect him.
Now I need to do the finishing touches, and then I can call it done.. or not, we will see haha.
Rengar is holding 'Zix by the upper arm, but his own arm is fully outstretched; this is really difficult to do and Rengar isn't digging his feet into the ground nor strengthening his stance, making the grab difficult to believe (his right foot is barely in front of his center of mass in the torso and his spine is leaning forward. Considering he's holding a giant voidbug that's... pretty close to taking a nosedive off the cliff the moment 'Zix swings a scythe). Perhaps try widening the paws and toes of Rengar more as they dig in. The image might also be improved if you tried showing 'Zix's left foot grasp/supporting on Rengar's upper leg, that's what it hints at (correct me if I'm wrong). That might give more action to 'Zix instead of him just hanging in thin air like a feather.
I also wonder about Rengar's tail. Cat tails have a balancing function. It doesn't seem to do that here. Also, drawing Rengar's left elbow higher might tense it more and give that 'about to strike really hard' vibe to it. It might also provide some sense of counterweight to the act of lifting a void monster outstretched. Overall, the poses might be in need of a bit more exaggeration?
Just my observations, feel free to disregard if they're wrong.
This far I have spent around 8 hours on this painting.
I also wanted to show that he had just come out of battle victorious, so I wanted to show more of the gauntlets and lighting coming from them, Thunder Claws, his ultimate has just been activated in battle. Also you can clearly see that he has used his W, Frenzy.
A battleworn Volibear standing, breathing in his victory.