Hello everyone! I am going to create a custom skin for my favorite champ, Fizz. This is actually my first time on polycount in general (I am a first year game dev student). I'm going to work on this piece and hopefully create a 3D model of this skin for the character art category as well using maya. I drew up some very rough concepts for the skin earlier today and scanned them in.

Here is the first set of sketches that i drew today. I wanted to make the trident that fizz uses act as a sort of an all-in-one type weapon, making it act as a trident, grappling hook, and a gun that shoots chum at his enemies (his in-game ultimate). I had an idea that fizz could use the grappling hook feature of the trident to hook onto a helicopter when he is recalling to base. For his ultimate i have added lasers to the top of the dragonshark's head for a spy-movie kind of feel. Even sharks deserve a warm meal after all

I hope you all enjoyed my first set of sketches. Any thoughts so far?
EDIT: Fixed the links
I think he may be a bit tall.