Tackling the idea of re-imagining a skin/splash page from a bit of a different angle. I have no idea what I'm doing, buuuut I'm going to go ahead and do it anyways, because it sounds pretty fun. \o/
Initial thumbnail doodle

Grayscale thumbnail

Messing around with colored pencils while I explore some composition and color ideas. I will probably switch over to digital for the rest of the color study for the sake of time management. The paintings themselves are going to be time consuming, so I should probably stop screwing around with Prismacolors and get down to business.

Also, I'm going to do these in oils.

Hoping to get around to starting on the actual drawings on Monday.
The paintings will be all oil paint. I'm planning a decent amount of sculpture/painting work for the frame to incorporate elements that tell her story, but I'll post up some sketches for that later tonight.
Right now I'm torn between keeping this more static setup, or striving for something more dynamic for the center image. I went with static originally to reflect that old school religious figure vibe you see in triptychs a lot, but I think with some more work I might be able to come up with something that makes the wave-like flow more dynamic.
There are a few ways I'm trying to make it dynamic without going for the extreme perspective action shot. The composition, and the color/lighting, and (once I switch over to actually painting it) I'll be trying to control my brushwork reeeaaaally carefully to add more motion in there.
Digital color thumbnail! A lot will probably change between this and the final drawing, but this part of the process helps me figure out things I need to fix in the drawing and gets me thinking about how I'm going to manage the colors.
Or... gives me mild panic attacks about how I'm going to manage the colors. =P
I have to wrap up some work stuff this weekend, but I'm hoping to have the drawings finished and transferred onto the gesso boards by the end of the week. I'm going to try and push that spiral flow in the composition and try to get a little more motion in the center figure.
I actually added some stuff to my traditional area recently. =D I'll have to take some pictures whenever I'm ready to photograph the gesso boards.