Hello polycount!
I've been lurking for a while now and I've finally gotten to a point where I feel confident enough to post something. This is a totem pole I've been working on for the last couple of days and I was hoping for some feedback. I'm going to start texturing it soon but before I do I want to get my hi poly where I want it. Let me know what you think.

I'm pretty new to this so any specific suggestions might help. Do you think I should make it all one piece? I think I used that back board to connect them all together but I guess that kind of seems lazy. Not sure what you mean about the wings though, could you elaborate?
When working on projects, it's often safer to start with a single reference and then expand as you gain experience with the topic. Pulling from multiple sources for totem poles can be problematic for two reasons: 1) they are created by many different tribes, each with their own traditions of art and style, and 2) they are created to tell a specific story; mixing pieces means losing the story.
@ DWalker: I understand what you mean with the art style. I tried to be consistent but maybe I need more experience in how to do that. Maybe I should have created my own story and then add the animals that fit into it? I dunno...
I would argue that mixing pieces is exactly what was done to create a story. Symbols were used to annotate a certain emotion or thought; in fact one symbol could have many separate meanings. Did you know that they had 'shame poles'? They put them on peoples land who couldn't pay their debts. That's like permanent shame, haha.
Is there anything that I might have done right here? I was thinking taking a piece or two and building from that. If not I'll try and start over. I appreciate the feedback.
One thing that really annoys me is how much the wings look like cardboard. I just googled cardboard and found a lot of images that look exactly like those wings.
Also, what's up with the maps you're showing? I assume this is PBR, and I see an albedo/diffuse, a normal, and an AO, but I can't tell if the fourth one is a spec or gloss. Do you have a spec AND a gloss? Or just one? Honestly I wouldn't even bother showing the AO at all; considering it's something that's just generated automatically. Leave more room showing off the awesome maps that you actually put work into!
I used a metalness/roughness workflow for this. That last map is just a roughness map and I didn't use metal at all, except for that rod at the very bottom. I supposed I should have labeled them. I did use a curvature map to help generate some dust in places but that too was procedurally generated; I think I used an xNormals one and adjusted it in Photoshop.
I think you should get rid of the vertical grains you have on the gloss then. These make the wings look more like cardboard as it looks like that's where it folded (red). You probably want to get a tighter and more randomized grain on the horizontal wood texture as well (black). Maybe make the paint more opaque and/or redden the wood texture as well. The color of the wood you're using is very similar to cardboard and that's a big tell as well.
These are just my observations though, I'm not sure if anyone else is seeing what I'm seeing.