Art update:

So I'm trying to redesign Irelia. It seemed like her art hadn't been updated but I thought the champion with her flying blades was interesting.
My first thought was to go for her default skin but give it a slight upgrade, however I'm not sure how well of a job I did with that. These are some sketches that I made when I had a couple of minutes (sorry they're really rough) and then a little bit more of a refined sketch I created later.

However I'm not super happy with how she's turning out so I gave her another try but with a more Chinese type armor (at least what's in Chinese movies). I figured it seemed fitting since she's an Ionian Captain and they seem to borrow a lot from Asian culture...or at least that's what that house in the background of her splash art looks like to me.

and I may have gotten a bit ahead of myself by doing this action pose...what is going on with that forward foot?
I may have to darken her hair, she might look a bit too close to Sona. Then again color doesn't seem to be too consistent among the champion skins.
I don't want to push it too much or I feel the armor will become too busy/noise and will just distract. I'll just have to be careful, thanks for the feedback.
One of my buddies pointed out that her shoulders weren't very well on display in the composition so I adjusted her arms (A), but I didn't really care for it and made the original again (B) and then tried a mix (C).
Will try some more stuff tomorrow, if I can stop playing Civilization Beyond Earth long enough to get some work done.
I'll also try the head turned up per VictoriaHall's suggestion.
I'm still debating on whether I should add motion blur to the swords. It might look cheesy and I didn't see any of the LOL Champion portraits using motion blur. At most they use some light trails where appropriate. Hmmm, I might add some magic glow to the Jade blades now that I think about it.
I'm not feeling the facial expression yet, will need to work on that more.
A buddy of mine also pointed out that her right leg is too aligned with the image plane which flattens the entire thing. I'll have to adjust that to come more forward.
As mentioned lots of work left to be done. If anyone has any other suggestions to make the image better let me know.
meanwhile I did some more pushing of contrast and polishing. Crits and feedback are always welcome, it's never too late to change things up for the better.
I feel like some of the swords are no longer working that well in perspective or the composition. Will have to work on that.