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Way to import a Skyrim character into UE4 ? can pay if needed

Hey, I'm fairly new here but there seem to be a lot of knowledgeable people around, so hopefully this won't be another dead end for me.

First things first, this is for my personal use only, and nothing else!

Second, If someone would be more motivated to help me out by being payed, I can give you 50$ if you can successfully import 2-3 characters into Unreal4, and show me how you did it. ...I'm a student and that's all I can afford to pay, if that may be the case..

Anyway, I'm trying to find a way to import a custom character from Skyrim into UE4. So far I've asked on different forums, and talked to a few people and they all said that it's possible and it's apparently not that difficult, if that is true or not however, I'm still not sure, as not even one of them tried to help me..

The way I'm doing it right now is by using the niftool plugin for 3dsmax 2012, so I can import the skeleton/meshes/animations etc. and then have it exported as .fbx for use in UE4. The textures are also converted in Photoshop from .dds to .tga.

This is how it looks like imported in 3dsmax:


This is how it looks like in Skyrim (with ENB enabled):


And this is how it looks like in Unreal 4:


Now I didn't show you what's below the neck, since I don't think I'm allowed to, but basically, half the body looks about right, and the other half is just black. Other issues I also ran into are the hands and the feet...when I apply the textures to them they look different from the rest of the body.

I've tried using different characters, and they all seem to share most of the same issues, weird meshes around mouth/nose area, different textures for hands/feet and other small nuisances like seams and textures being "washed up" when imported in UE4.

I've already checked out different videos on Youtube, but so far to no avail...At this point to be honest, I just want to know if it's even possible to do it, so I'll know if I'm wasting my time or not..

Here is the character if someone wants to give it a try, but you'll need 3dsmax 2010/11/12 for the niftool plugin to work (also, I noticed that some textures are missing):


Virus Total: Analysis

If someone wants to try with a different character, there's plenty on nexus.

I know it's a wall of text, but maybe someone will be able to finally help me...at least to find out if it's possible or not.
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