My goal:
I would like to edit an imported object's normals by Maya's 'Transfer Attributes' function.
My problem:
After exporting my edited object (.fbx) my UV map is destroyed / distorted completly inside Unreal engine.
My workflow:
1. Create a basic foliage mesh in Blender
2. Import into Maya
3. Create a sphere, move it into the center of my imported foliage mesh.
4. Select the sphere, shift-click my mesh and use the Transfer Attributes to edit the normals.
5. Click Allpy, click transfer
6. Select my mesh, "Export selection"-> save as .fbx
7. Import into Unreal Engine, the sphere is still there, even while deselecting during the export:
Thats how i want it to look (except i want to have the edited vertex normals, too):
=> Why is Maya still exporting the sphere and how can i get rid of it in the exported .fbx?