Hi everyone!!
This is my first post here, so please tell me if I´m doing sometyhing wrong

The original Zigg´s Splash is quite old, so I thought it would be good to try to give him a rework.
Here there are some images I´ve used as reference, and the very first sketch.
Hope u like it guys!

- Final Sketch -
- Lighting and colour references -
- Base colour -
- Quick lighting study -
Btw, feedbacks are always welcome! So leave a coment please! ;D
Hope u like it guyz!
Thank you so much!
Here there is today´s last Wip, centering on the glasses! I know that I shoud have finished the cleaning part before starting with the details.... but I couldn´t avoid to start rendering the lens *^*
See ya´ tomorrow!:3
Any comment so far??
Thank you for watching guyz!!^^
Any advice?
Thank u again people!^^
For now I have corrected the left lens, wich was smaller than the right one. I also finised the shoulder plate and added the two painted skulls on the bombs.
And the thing about the leather as well as the explosion... That´s what I´m doing right now, making some test and trying things, let see how it goes xD Wish me good luck! ;D
Hope to update more wips soon! ;D
And I´m not very happy with the sparks, I´ll do it again xD
Any comments? o_O
Thanks for watching!
Although, if u guys have any advice or suggestion it would be really helpful! ^^
Thank you so much for watching and for your comments!!
That could be interesting
If anything the ultra bright sparks on the right side of the image draw the eye off the composition. I would say darken them somehow, maybe do the same with the second bomb so that Ziggs face is the brightest and highest contrast part of the image.
...yeah both of the sparks have the highest contrast in the image and are close to the edge of the frame drawing the eye away from his face and off the composition.
other than that, awesome image and easily fixed. I think.
Thank you so much!
Good suggestion!
I´m starting a new one with Warwick this time
Well, give me your veredict people! xD How u guys see it now? Better? Thanks!!
I think a lot of people in this competition want to do 2 illustrations, but sometimes it's better to have 1 amazing one than two that could be pushed further. Wish you luck.
I think if you wanted too you could push the focus more towards it even by darkening other areas and lowering the contrast. Put an overlay layer or a multiply layer on top at a low opacity and draw a bit of a soft frame around the image to prevent the eye from ever leaving the inside.
A lot of LOL splash art does this (examples Veigar and Ahri) if you look at the image the further your eye moves away from the characters face the darker the image becomes. Its fun to just color pick around these images to just see how big a difference in contrast there is.
I think you could also apply this just a bit to the leg, since its not the focus, and ears, since they get very close to the frame. Now that I say that I also notice that the right ears fur touches the frame right at the point, I would push that down so that it doesn't create a tangent, or alternately extend the ear to it leaves the frame rather than intersecting right at the frames edge.