I have my lods ready but when I type "model_name_LOD1" it changes it to "model_name_LOD2" Aaaaarrgh!
Ive checked all the models in the scene and all the materials and there is nothing called model_name_LOD1 anywhere so I have no idea why it keeps renaming it! please help if you have had this issue before and know how to fix it.
You have to import a file that is NOT named the same as the object you want to name in maya. so for example if you are importing model_lod1.mb into your model_all_lods.mb file then you need to rename model_lod1.mb something that wont clash, eg. just importing xmodel_lod1.mb works fine and maya will then let you rename the imported object to model_lod1.
Tried to recreate your problem by mimicking your actions as I was intrigued. Can't recreate this issue. I'm running 2015 SP4 64-bit.
Anyway, reason you can't rename the object to the same name as the filename is because as you import that file with the default import settings Maya will create a namespace for you with the same name as the filename. If you then try to name your newly import object with the same name as the filename then you get a name clash and Maya just iterates on the name with a new number.
The namespace is a way for Maya to solve potential name clashing. Ever noticed when you import objects that they get named "filename:objectname"? The "filename" part is the namespace.
You can mess around with the import settings if you don't want to use namespaces and there's a namespace editor under Window -> General Editors -> Namespace Editor.
No problem. Glad I could help.