Hello there!:)
Ahhhhkay so this is my first post in here and I'm pretty excited so let's start; my favorite champ is Elise. I like everything about her; the way she looks,talks,transforms and so on...she is just the perfekt diva! And I love her little spider "babys"!
So I thought about the real "black widdow" spider and remembered that they tend to kill their beloved after le sexy time. And after some le google time I found out that there are also "white widdows" Ahaaa.....
Ok so here is what I got so far. I'm not sure about the end result...especially about the format... I prefer high size but horizontal is more Riot-Like.:poly141:
First you'll see some inspirational stuff I collected!

As far as format goes, I believe the correct size is 7000x4130.
(drunken baby spider are a must
PS dont be fooled by the format, it's the same as the sketch. I just squeezed them a bit without noticing.
again I fixed a lot of mistakes I found and I know there are many more. I will try to focus on light and details next time I'm working on it. (And I need to fix her foot but it's too late and I already started seeing little spiders everywhere.)