Hi guys. I need few answers, or whatever, on how to make next generation vegetation for games. If anyone from AAA studio can share a knowledge, that would be greatfull.
I just made approach to that. Yesterday.
So for now in game art it was something like this:

Big branch with some leafs. Then you have to bend it, try to fit it to branch and not to look ugly.
What I observe from Dragon Age 3 screenshots, and from mighty Witcher 3 screenshots, they did something like small clusters of small planes with just few leafs as textures.
So I did similar:

and here is how its looks in Cryengine :

And damn, it looks magnificent, for me. I wanted it to look like that. Its 5k, because I made for 1 cluster 5 planes, instead of crossing it for 2 planes. But it was first attempt.
So guys, can you share your thoughts, ideas, tricks, knowledge, how you would do next generation vegeatation for games? Am I on right way for doing that? Or Im on dead end and Its not about meshes ?
It does look nice, but still, it seems way to expensive. If you extract some of the default vegetational assets from CryEngine 3, they still look very good and are much much less.
So the amount of traingles doesnt matter at all now. What matters the most is shaders and size of textures.
You can even put this scene into unity, but with simple shaders, and you can still fly out with 30-40 fps.
Triscount is nothing comparing to shaders.
What about technique ? Is this good for vegetation on bigger scale? Or you have even better ideas than this?
You'll also need some really nice LOD's for models like this of course as well.
I would advice you to use 2-4 variations of textures to get away from the repeating look. I think you could have a few big planes with big branches, a smaller one much like the one you have and in a few places planes with only one or two leaves to make a better silhouette and break the repeating look even more. If you stay around 2-2.5k on LOD 0 it'll be fine - but it's important that you have LODs.
For shading it's to me very important to hide faces that isn't facing the camera. Do this by using fresnel to fade away the opacity in glancing angles.
But I wanted to do another apporach which is those culsters. And I must say that those clusters looks way better than anything I tried before. Ill do later a few trees with that cluster technique, and Ill show you resultats.