Doing some gesture sketching - I want to spend proper time planning things out from the start because I always race ahead and make a mess of things :P
At first I thought something elegant with her standing and gesturing up to use her starcall ability, but she swipes her staff for that move so now im thinking something more dynamic like she just finished a big sweep of the staff.

I'm really looking foreward to see your next steps!
A friend mentioned that what I have now reminds them a lot of Nidalee illustrations, she's always low to the ground like that -
Been a busy week, haven't had much time to work on this - roughing in some environment and composition ideas
...ANYWAY! Just some thoughts to keep in mind as you work on this. Your drawing skills are absolutely fluid and lovely, I just think you've gotten ahead of yourself without possibly thinking through the character as much as you could. Hope this helps.
Some of the other standing poses:
And the ones I like:
(if that even makes sense at all??) sorry I'm sick atm and am confusing myself a little :S
K trying to figure out some colours, shes cool blue/purple colour so I figure she should be against a warm background. All the current splash screens for her have pretty simplified backgrounds so I'm going to simplify too.
One of the legit splash screens also has her in a low action pose like my first idea, could have gone with that probably. I'll try to put more time in this week and maybe Ill be able to do both by the deadline. -