Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: LukeA

Hi everyone!

I'm a hobbyist game developer, and while I am primarily a programmer, I've been meaning to improve in 2D and 3D art. This past weekend, I challenged myself to create one model and one drawing every weekday. I started Tuesday, October 14th, and hope to continue for at least six months.

I'm very much looking forward to critiques and suggestions. My family just says "that looks good," which is very nice of them and is possibly the politest way they can let me know they're not interested.

I often draw or model objects and characters from games, and will link to the game's website when I do.

I use Blender for modelling and GIMP for drawing, mostly due to habit from when I first started game dev.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on my work.



  • LukeA
    For my first model, I chose the old video game staple: the supply crate. I took more time on this than I meant to but it turned out fairly well. Better than I expected anyway. The model is constructed from a simple cube extruded to have indented centerboards, and is textured simply with a diffuse (no bump-maps or what-have-you).



    Self-Critique: I think the texture itself is too dark and it is only thanks to Blender’s lighting, which I don’t fully understand, that it looks so bright in the beauty shot. The light also seems to made the crate appear more yellow or golden, which helps add richness into the texture that isn’t really there. I’m also slightly ashamed of the amount of straight lines on the texture edges. I also wish I had made the “FRAGILE” text larger and then erased out the parts of the text that were between boards. Finally, I think I should have added more ambient color to the texture to help bring out depth and shape.

    Anything to add? I’m sort of a long-time novice to 3D Modelling, in that I have had a baseline level of it for a long-time but made few efforts to really improve. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

  • LukeA
    Am I posting images right? I've read dozens of posts with embedded images. Can any veterans shed some light on this for me?
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