Been busy with Halloween but I've slowly been posing out my animation. It's supposed to be a dodge attack, where she slides back to evade and auto-aerial attacks. Screenshot attached!(Assuming I know how to use this forum hehe):poly142:
I like the idea of evade and aerial attack, would love to see the next iteration:)
The walk cycle so far looks nice, the leegs feel nice. Its still a WIP so cant comment anything else since I know you are working on it, but as a direction I like it a lot:thumbup::) Keep it up:D
Thank you for your feedback! Sorry I've been so busy I haven't checked here in awhile. Yeah, I'm getting that attack progress updated asap. I decided I wanted to work on a run cycle and decide which one I like better, walk or run, and submit that one. Here's what I got for the run so far.
Oh, hmm. That's weird, it's not broken for me. Well I'm updating a newer version anyway. I agree about the walk, too, I have started a run as well because I still dont' know which one I want to do.
From what i saw in the one it was very stiff cycle.
Front View Run
Side View Run
Akali Attack WIP
Oh, hmm. That's weird, it's not broken for me. Well I'm updating a newer version anyway. I agree about the walk, too, I have started a run as well because I still dont' know which one I want to do.
Akali Attack WIP
WOW so, this month got so crazy...I almost forgot I had to finish this