Hello all,
I'm not sure if this has been already done before (tried searching, failed, hence topic), so I was wondering if there's ever been any hosted events or groups or what-have-yous in the polycount community when it comes to sitting back, relaxing, and playing some games online together for the fun of it.
Sort of a leave-the-critiques-on-the-forums-I-drink-your-milkshape type of group, and if you want to brag about causing the most transparent decals to appear on the opposing team's models, so be it! Bragging about the artwork you made that someone else just blew up is not a requirement!
Let me know if anyone would be interested in playing. I figure starting off with something like TF2 would be appropriate since everyone could gain access to it or hell even Quake Live if we wanted to start off with a more polycount history-oriented beginning.
is there a steam polycount group? It'd make setting up some spontaneous matches easy since everyone online would be alerted
TF2 is the obvious choice for a test night, free and everyone likes it.
My personal favorite is Chivalry Medieval Warfare, I'm able to host a dedicated server (but probably want to stick with US).
edit: feel free to add me
Sadly it looks like the last post was October 2012. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/polycountpublic
Should we create a new group? or somehow revive that one and see if we can make it more active?
Feel free to add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/deathstick1990
It'll help if you mention quickly that you're from polycount, and not one of those TF2 Item traders that will spam me to hell lol
Also note the premium 3d artwork as my background.