Hi everyone, this is the idea im gonna develop.
The story behind its a metaphore about the power of GNAR. When the little one gets scared there big him is always gonna be there like a big brother to protect him.
Want to put a lot of elements from other champs around them to show like they stealed from their enemies when they beat them but havent decided yet what im gonna put. For now there is a shako box which scare little GNAR

I'll try my best than you
Love the Shaco box, btw.
The thing is that mega gnar is laughing little gnar because he get scared from such a little thing and braking the puppet to kind of protect him.
I'll keep improving as soon as i can
I think move the box further away from little Gnar so it doesn't look like he's just playing with it, and give him more of a surprised/scared pose, with Mega Gnar looking super defensive and angry! Even though it's just a Shaco Box xD That would be kinda funny x3
I know its only a jax on the box but thats the funny part that he get scared with this little thing and when he fights with another champ he gets exited and leave the fear away
I want to get the essence of the character reflected in some kind of dr jekyll and mr hyde thing... two different reactions for the same impulse
What do you think about this one???
I will still change some things but i think im gonna finish this one is the one that more convince me.
Thanks for the opinions
how its going so far.