To my fellow maya polycounters:
I've been having this really weird issue since I've upgraded to maya 2015. Let's say I have a poly object, and I'm selecting a few vertices, edges or faces. If I'm using move, the pivot point is centered where those verts are, if I'm using scale, it's also acting that way ( the correct behavior that I've seen for years). However, if I'm switching to rotate, the pivot point for that ends up in really weird spots in the viewport ( basically at the point where I last used a snap pivot to, even if it's a completely different mesh that it was used on.)
I've tried resetting the rotate tool, I've tried deleting my preferences, but that's still happening.)
It's the biggest time waster I've ever seen, I know someone in here will just tell me to do something really simple and it will be fixed, so thank you to whoever that is

Or, with the modeling toolkit manipulator(s), those can be reset in the marking menus for each tool (hold w,e,r + left click), it's under "align along".
(d just moves that pivot around, like insert pivot - not really what I was looking for.)
Thanks ThrottleKitty for pointing me in the right direction.