i have 6 lowpoly individual objects and each of them baked which has own normal map but now i want to combine all of them then when i do it i should change the place of uv's of each of them in the scal so it will not proper with maps ?
is there any solution ?
2. Place all UVs into a single space
3. Bake again or move/scale/rotate all the maps by hand in photoshop
Solution: just re-bake
Wait hold on, are all of the objects exactly the same? Like a bunch of bolts or rivets and you want them to share the same texture area? If so, I think TexTools had a "stack similar UV shells" button, but it's been a while since I've used it.
Are they unique objects that you want to put onto one sheet? If that's the case you can just select all of the objects, apply UVW Unwrap (which instances it to all of the objects) and you can unwrap them all at the same time without having to merge them together.