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computer acts weird

hey guys,whats up?
So recently i've borrowed my computer and since then it acts really weird or my mouse does idk.
However when i klick on something it often doesnt react anymore or i have to hold my mouse button down so it reacts,also when i have two windows open and i close one it closes both windows.
when i cklick on a picture to zoom the picture automatically gets marked in blue too.
or when i delete my email and check the boxes the website get marked in blue.
its really annyoing now since it is fucking up my work,any ideas on how to solve?Java etc is already updated.
Thanks smile.giftake care.cheers


  • EarthQuake
    Tech support 101, try different hardware to narrow down the cause.

    Swap your mouse out for a different mouse, same problems? Not the mouse
    Swap your video card out for a different video card, same weird blue problems? Not the gpu

    etc etc

    Also, have you ran a virus scan? Its possible you have some sort of virus or malware after letting someone else use the computer.
  • Anchang-Style
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    Anchang-Style polycounter lvl 7
    maybe batteries in wireless equipment empty? 2 wireless devices interfering?
  • kaptainkernals
    Offline / Send Message
    kaptainkernals polycounter lvl 12
    Definitely mouse, it's either your left click is dieing out - results in double clicks on single or missed clicks.

    Or if it's a wireless mouse, it could be dieing battery's which results in signals being sent twice (double clicks) - or clicks not registering (need to hold down left to register).

    Either of those could be a case, and the double click would result in stuff getting highlighted in blue.

    Definitely do as EQ suggests, and try another mouse - doesn't sound like video card.
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