Anybody have any tips to speed up workflow? Some day's I find myself spending too much time on the prop at work. I usually use 3d max a lot for hard surface stuff but use Zbrush as well for certain props. I dunno it seems that I make things to difficult for myself with my workflow.
For a project i'm currently working on, i have a strict deadline, i went ahead and made a base material for all the textures i'll need, i went from spending a good couple of hours on a texture to betweeen 30mins to an hour, and my assets are so much more consistent.
Just little things like that.
'The blockout first' is a great advice from EarthQuake. As a level artist, I did blockouts of level fragments and props for modellers. It really helped them to see what's important for the shape, for the readability and what can they ignore. Because you always have to ignore something.
Make the early shape in whichever way you find fastest. You will do most of shape changes here, scale things, move 'core details', so it should be easy to make these changes.
Do everything you can to avoid fixes, corrections, changes in the late phase.
Remember, that in later phases of doing an art pieces, corrections become more and more costly. A change in shape is not really a change - it's a return to the beginning! because you redo the bakes and textures again. It's not what you or your art lead want: to have an almost complete piece done again
Have a plan in your head about what are the core features of your model. So you can focus on them first without feeling guilty of spending time on a feature. You know how they say often, about spending 80% of the time on the 20% of a thing. Use some random brushes, ready materials, on the rest
If you are baking a lot of maps, especially normal maps learn everything you can about the process and about how to model in order to avoid errors. If you are also responsible for creating the textures then start working on a material library of tilable materials.
Some meta level advice maybe even, set yourself up to be productive, take breaks. Go for a walk, reset your brain and refocus on the bigger picture.