Week one update. Sketch page just to get a feel for the outfit and overall shapes/silhouette. I don't intend to change her design at all, it was more of just for my planning ahead and seeing what I can exaggerate. Also including the base mesh, started from scratch for this one. Still some proportional/anatomical changes to make + clean up.
To give some constructive critique, I think her butt seems a bit strange in anatomy terms (a bit too.. spiky? I don't know how to explain it ^^'). Perhaps her back is a bit too bent.
Also the waist is probably too thin, but it might be intentional .
Anyways I love your design for now It's pretty. Keep it up o/
Heyyy so I missed posting a week 2 update but here's week 3! I want to sort some stuff out with her legs tonight, so tomorrow I'll post the full body WIP.
My mouth hung open when I saw this! So good man! Always loved that skin
Only thing I'd suggest is to make her legs a bit longer - the feel short/small for her.
Enalya - Agree, I'm going to lengthen them in the low poly after the bake because I think at this point it'd be faster/cleaner.
Wires WIP, currently she's at 8392 tri which is on the high side for what I want. I might cut it down when I'm done with her staff, but for now this is a good place for me to stop. I'm hoping to keep the total at 10k absolute max as a limit.
Unf also forgot that there's a couple of small stuff missing on this. Not really enough to make a huge difference in poly count though.
Update - textures are very far far farrrr from being done, some pieces I haven't touched much yet (dat bracer). I would still love any crit though, I'm not sure if it's becoming too uniform in the blue shades, and I'm also hesitant on the skin tone value.
I would def put warmer tones into her skin. I know thematically she should be pale skinned, but having a nice warm alive skin paired with all the cool colors of her outfit would play off each other well.
So, this is a suggestion but while I agree that you should add warmth to the skin, you definitely don't want the shadows to go grey like you have now. I would go back to the blue skin first off. Then i would paint in warm colors in the highlights. Try adding reds into the midtones and highlights so that the highlights are warm while the shadows stay blue. Really like what you have so far though!
Have some presentation stuff to clean up/improve but I guess this will be the last update before I submit. Thanks everyone for the advice throughout this, it was a huge learning experience for me.
Also the waist is probably too thin, but it might be intentional
Anyways I love your design for now
Shes gorgeous
I had to fall behind schedule sadly but I'm playing catch up now - full body:
Added the last bits and did a test pose for her to see how it's fitting together, moving onto her low poly now.
Only thing I'd suggest is to make her legs a bit longer - the feel short/small for her.
Enalya - Agree, I'm going to lengthen them in the low poly after the bake because I think at this point it'd be faster/cleaner.
Wires WIP, currently she's at 8392 tri which is on the high side for what I want. I might cut it down when I'm done with her staff, but for now this is a good place for me to stop. I'm hoping to keep the total at 10k absolute max as a limit.
Unf also forgot that there's a couple of small stuff missing on this. Not really enough to make a huge difference in poly count though.
Wires cleanup, total count is 9883 and on to texturing.
Low poly AO bake + initial color blockin. Cleaning up the AO as I go, so some parts are still a bit harsh.
slosh - Touche, I'm going to experiment with that. Thanks!!!