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SOLVED: DDO Painting Custom Masks

polycounter lvl 8
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Paulod polycounter lvl 8

I was wondering if its possible to paint a custom mask for a material. Really i would like to paint it rather than load in a custom mask that i have painted in another photoshop file.

My questions-

Is it possible to paint directly onto layers without destroying the DDO set-up?

Can we add custom layers without destroying the DDO set-up?



  • Yaniv Dekel
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    Yaniv Dekel polycounter lvl 10
    Wondering about this as well. This functionality was included and very simple to use in the old dDo. Can't seem to find any similar features in the new one.
  • emaema
    yes we really need this function.
  • CKohl
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    CKohl polycounter lvl 10
    You can add custom layers without breaking the project.

    You can also paint directly on the material/layer masks and it won't break the project but then you won't be able to use the dynamask editor on that layer or do a reimport/rerender from the project's Input maps after you do so because it'll erase any manual painting you did. So make sure that you only do your manual tweaks after you're satisfied with the 'base' that you get out of the input maps and from dynamask. This should probably be done in a duplicated copy of your project folder once you're satisfied with the base that DDO gives you.

    A proper solution for manual painting of masks would be really helpful though so that we could avoid such hacky workarounds.
  • Eric Ramberg
    hi guys! Custom mask painting is a very high priority and will be coming out in future releases, i know many of you really need it, myself included! Just as Ckhol say´s you can paint directly on the layer, but a non-destructive way of painting is in the works. Thanks Ckohl for explaining :)
  • Paulod
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    Paulod polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for all the replies guys. I did mention this in the suggestions thread. but non destructive painting in layers and a tilling texture support would really take the Quixel Suite to the next level.
  • teddybergsman
    Hey everyone,

    Painting custom masks is now in :D:D You can add any amount of layers non-destructively, add custom adjustment layers and basically anything PS has to offer, import your own grunge maps etc. New build coming up in the next few days together with some other goodies!


    - Teddy
  • CKohl
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    CKohl polycounter lvl 10
    And helpful guide? :D *hint hint*
  • Elod.H
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    Elod.H polycounter lvl 11
    That's great news teddybergsman. Can't wait for the custom masks feature. Any hint on when it's coming out exactly?

    Thanks for the great job!
  • teddybergsman
    CKohl: Yes, a Wiki guide will accompany this release, and this will also be covered in the next video tutorial.

    Elod.H: We're looking at releasing this before mid next week. A few more bells and whistles are currently added to this feature. Stay tuned!

    - Teddy
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    Any tutorial or documentation on how to manually paint and adjust custom masks ?
  • Eric Ramberg
    MisterSande - Its fairly easy, When in Dynamask mode you have a brush icon and a en eraser icon at the bottom, use them to modify your masks the way you want. More documentation will be available when the next version of the Suite is released, when 3d painting is available!
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