Hello Everyone,
My name is Zach. I am a 3D artist in Boston. I have a complicated backstory with art. I'm going to skip all that and just say every post I've seen on here, in the short time I've been here on the site, has helped me realize that I want to be better, I want a better life, and you achieve that by doing and by turning off the video games, TV, whatever, to focus on more fulfilling things. Thanks for being inspirational, feel free to leave feedback.
Here's what I've been working on:
Just a warm up doodle/ sketch I did at work today trying to get in a zone.
As far as tuning out negativity. Yeah i tend to just keep working on stuff, if i get burnt out. I take my dog for a walk. Go workout a bit, dance. Then come back to it. I hope that helps haha.
Thank you for your comments. I kind of fell of the wagon on being productive shortly after I posted last. But I've come back around, I've been spending a lot of time learning web development, practicing my draftsmanship, learning everything I can about anything that I feel will make me better. In the time i've been gone I've really be attacking how to deal with my negativity and I found that keeping a journal to incredibly helpful. I don't have to make sense, just put my thoughts on the page. Then when I look back and see how silly how I feel is, I just sort of get over it. Also being busy working, as you said, helps too. Literally not having the time to think stupid stuff, really nips negativity in the bud.
On a side note, I've been looking heavily at switching to Modo. The Foundry just released version 901, and from what I've seen from demos, and experienced from my trial edition of 801, It has some amazing tools and capabilities that I want. It does everything Maya does and is a fraction of the price. If anyone actually reads my sketchbook, I highly recommend going and trying out the trial. If you've been using Maya or 3ds Max it's a little awkward to use at first but you get over it, also there are plenty of videos on The Foundry's site that help transition to it.
I have the same trouble with negativity and motivation - I had a moment where I cut out video games etc as I felt they were stopping me getting better. But then I realised how important it was not to do that - you need to relax once in a while and it's all about balancing work/play. I have lots of little different projects going to keep me interested and if I don't feel motivated enough to finish something I just split my goals into tiny chunks like 'today I will model 1 main part of my gun' or whatever and work slowly towards your goals. Hope that helps? :P
For the holes, I cut a cylinder down to just a few spans, then used booleans to cut out cylinders, cleaned up the edge flow with the multi-cut tool, then extruded the edges of each hole in slightly. After that, I duplicated the span as much as needed, and combined and merged those spans together.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
For me, my negativity and motivation has kind of solved itself. After I started looking at 3D modeling, drawing, texturing, etc. as a challenge and something to be mastered, that reignited some passion for me.
High is 18860 Tris
Low is 824 Tris
and the texture presentation:
Unite 2015 Boston is wrapping up here, so that's my latest source of inspiration to get back to being productive and putting stuff out there.
Tor if you read this: you are my spirit animal.
Made some revisions, I'm pretty close to done with the modeling. All that's let is some texturing and fleshing out the materials some more.