Hey guys, I'm Leo (Neebler in LoL) and this is my new progress thread.
I decided to scrap my Cho'gath vs. Fizz idea and start with something a little more ambitious. I'm going to illustrate a super badass face-off between Riot champions and Battlecast champions. Here's my idea so far:
Riot side: Blitzcrank, Graves and Braum (I might add Singed and Nasus, idk yet.)
Battlecast side: Cho'gath, Kog'maw and Vel'koz
My process is a little weird, I've got the layout in my head so I'm rendering the champs one at a time. Probably not the best way to go about it, but...oh well.
Here's my first progress image. Just a lonely, 80% finished Blitzcrank floating in mid-air. Just wanted to give you guys a sneak peak at the sort of style I'm going for. Comments, critiques, questions, throw em at me.
Good luck to all the entrants! (b~.^)b
- Neebler