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Prepering animations for animation blending in game engine.

polycounter lvl 2
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Szani polycounter lvl 2
Hello there.

I hope I came to right place to ask this question.

I want to be an animator for games. But working in Blender. First time I was requested to make animations that will be used for animation blending in Esenthel engine. I was asked to make anims like:
- turn anim left/right- where character moves it's head into left/right. Only head has keyframes.
- shuffle - walking in place (kinda) that will be used while character is rotating when turning left or right. This animation should be universal for left and right. In this one only legs has keyframes.

I did them but there are still problems. In turning anim I did has no keyframes for legs but while watching this in preview in Esenthel engine legs has position other than default (mostly opening position of last animation I edited before exporting file into FBX)

Quastion is that: When I am doing animation that will be blended should I make keyframes only for part of body that is part of blended anim? Like here where only head in one anim and only legs in other? Or maybe should I do keyframes for rest of the body in default position?

I am asking because:
- there will be anims like running and fighting sword and such. And I want to know if it's works for all popular game engines because I want to work more in game animations.
- I can't find any tutorial about it. In internet there are only tutorials about scripting blending anims in Unity or other engine.

I am interested in how prepere animation to be blended in game engine.

PS. How can you imagine cat shuffle in place while turning around? I did this anim very simple because I have no idea how cat would shuffle in place.

Sorry if I am hard to understand but we still can clear situation little more in this thread if you will open to help me.



  • GlowingPotato
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    GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11
    Well, there is a lot of coding when blending animations. If the engine that you are working with support animation clips, where each animation goes in a different file, then you should only keyframe the moving parts. Then your programmer will call the other animation files to blend.

    Your programmer should specify how the animations should be exported.
  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    I dunno man, that's a pretty unknown engine - it all depends on the engine and your programmer really. Some people work with straight up single frame poses, some people work with clips etc, its all a very dependent on your project.

    So far as your specific question: in Unity we can 'mask' out bones, perhaps there is an equivelent tool in Esenthel.
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