Hey there all! If you know league you have probably seen Evelynn...

I'm not the biggest fan of her design. SO I really want to do a rework/visual update. I have a lot of ideas on how to update her, but I would love some feedback on my ideas as I don't want to stray TO far from her character (like the update for Sion).
Also how vague her lore is makes it pretty easy to move stuff around and take creative liberties.
I did a few sketches in class on how I would like her to change. They were really small and messy so please criticism on design ideas only. Yes these were done on my Asian Art History notes while taking notes for our midterm on Thursday. I'm a good student, really!
No more troll hair! Additionally, the glowing eye on her head might be neat to flesh out and make more part of her anatomy. We need some league monster girls.
Making the rest attachments to condense...
1)First tiny sketch. I was trying to stay close to what I remembered her looking like for this one.
2)I tried to add some things to flow and less straps.
3)Pose Idea. (Upon looking up other fan art for her after though, there is a popular image with a similar pose so I will probably scrap this.)
4)Here is a little more design though process. I took inspiration from Pnina's gowns for the short corset. Finally a close up on the torso and messing with the idea of lace or a skirt.
OF COURSE. There is no way I would work straight off of one of these x,D No worries but thank you!
Here are some refs for background and a new outfit :O I want to stick with the strange spiky leather lingerie look, but maybe dial it down with some pin up and 50s bathing suit inspired elements. Plus there is your Pnina corset thing. Needless to say searching for references was a little weird.
However the reasons for changing her outfit besides purely aesthetics is the fact that she is an assassin, but her current design is very bright. So I'm thinking of darkening the colors of her hair and outfit.
Since her lore is largely unknown and left up to speculation, I feel I have freedom to mess around. For example the only thing really confirmed is that she has something to do with the shadow isles (will probably be some form of my background). It is possible that she may be one of the five Darkin? There are many speculations that I'd like to take into account.
Cool perspective man, good luck!
she reminds me of She-ra
Happy Halloween!