I have searched everywhere. I have done various tutorials. Marmosets tutorial, the tutorial with the 3-barrel gun, various UE4 tutorials. I have practiced making all kinds of materials in PBR and actually got some good results here and there.
There is one thing I can't figure out how to do. I can't find anything written about it. There are a few examples where someone is showing of a character that does it well but does not share details how to do it. Perhaps my search terms aren't good enough.
Can anyone please show me how to do hair with the PBR workflow? Possibly with examples that I may touch and reverse engineer?
The best I can do are alpha cards that end up looking like plastic.
refraction shift and secondary gloss are new to me, I'll probably be able to google how to do that.
Are you aware of any examples anywhere where I could actually see the maps that need to be made?
(ah wait I see that there is an example scene download. It's just been made inactive here at work, some current scare causes us to block all .zip and .exe links.
Steven Stalhberg was working on some pretty good hair here as well: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=140797
You can find all of the anisotropic settings by switching the reflection model (with the little drop down) to anisotropic. Set the secondary reflection model to anisotropic as well to get refraction shift and secondary gloss.
I'll just try to recreate these two examples. That should get me there.
I'm trying to understand how to make hair for PBR. Since there shouldn't be much of a shadow/light information in the diffuse/albedo map it's kinda hard to give hair a proper look of "individual strands" as you would with just painting hair in photoshop. Should I do that process in gloss map?
I'm trying to adapt my workflow for Ornatrix and that means baking generated hair, and that creates problems on its own, especially with normal and diffuse maps. Maybe somebody have some advice on how to bake Ornatrix (or any other cg hair like "Hair & Fur" etc) for use with usual alpha planes and PBR? Thanks in advance.