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[Riot Art Contest] - Orianna

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3shold polycounter lvl 7
I'm not much of a LoL player. But everytime I did, I was completely taken by Orianna. There's so much potential with this clockwork dancer. I hope I can do her justice.



  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Orianna Redesign

    I'm doing a straight redesign of Orianna. My focus will be to really ramp up the elegance of her being a dancer. I wanted to keep certain aspects of her silhouette (mainly the Key and ballerina dress) while pushing the forms to make her seem more like a ballerina and less... well .. clunky. In addition, I'm hoping to push the clockwork automaton aspect, but adding moving parts and making sure things fit together properly. All this and using Baroque design elements to tie it all together.

    Should be challenging as well as time consuming. But it should also be fun.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    I did a bunch of concpeting while at work on various pieces of notepaper. Once I got home, I began to translate my notes into PS so I could get a better idea of what I wanted to get. Here's the idea concept:

    Today I finally had a day off and began to hit the base model:

    Now it's break time for a couple hours, then it's back to work.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    a quick note:
    that skirt idea is not a good representation of what I want. I'm still debating on the idea of having the skirt rotate about, like the original model. That decision will really make a difference in how I approach the skirt.

    still working on the skirt

    I decided against the rotating skirt. Came up with something much better. :D
  • CocoaCup
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    CocoaCup polycounter lvl 6
    I love her face and hairstyle in your concept and can't wait to see more )
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Update: Starting blocking in Orianna's frame and major torso elements.


    It has been a relatively slow week. I'm trying my best not to rush this project, but it's definitely not moving at the pace I'd like to. ah well. Feels good to finally start seeing this come together.

    The for the end result, I'm shooting to have an animated pose. Does anyone know if toolbag2 can do animations yet?
  • CocoaCup
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    CocoaCup polycounter lvl 6
    Oh my gosh, that torso! I love it, it's really original approach :)
  • ginomor
    It's looking great, I especially love the stern look that you get from the "eyebrows" it really makes it seem like a ballerina. I especially like open areas in her abdomen area, it helps her look more light and like a ballerina, I agree I think that she is a little weighted down in the game so that was a smart choice. Cant wait to see what you do with her skirt.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    This is looking really nice. Love the concept
  • Abrvpt
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    Abrvpt polycounter lvl 4
    Looking good ! But I think the legs could be more curvy, more thick... Dancers have quite muscular legs even if they are not particulary big, but for now her legs looks "muscle less" even of course she don't have any, being a machine.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Abrvpt wrote: »
    Looking good ! But I think the legs could be more curvy, more thick... Dancers have quite muscular legs even if they are not particulary big, but for now her legs looks "muscle less" even of course she don't have any, being a machine.

    That's an interesting point. I've been dancing (lol) with the balance between the slender cyborg style legs and thicker muscled ones. I'll thicken them up a bit though. See if I can find a nice compromise.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Worked on "meating" up Ori's legs a bit and Abrvpt was completely right. I'll post some screenshots after I take care of some stuff.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Update: Working on blocking the Ori's frame (part tw- OMG those thiiiighs!)

    Took Abrvpt's advice and thickened our little dancers legs. T'was a good call.

    Here's the WIP for today:

    mmmmm.... delicious!
  • Caelum17
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    Caelum17 null
    really like the proportions..
  • vAp
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    vAp polycounter lvl 7
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Minor Update: Arm frame complete.

    That pretty much does it for the outer frame base. I'll be going out of town for a few days, but I'll be back at it once I return. Next item to block in: the dress.

    Have a good weekend!
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Excellent progress...love how this is coming out! I think her fingers could be a tad thicker but minor nitpick.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Hey y'all

    Take a look at this:

    The original concept was designed around #1. It's no-nonsense and feel elegant. However the other 3 seem to give her a bit of personality that I think might be lacking in the concept. I like them all.

  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    This turning out awesome, I love her torso.

    As for the hair, I really like 2 and 4. I think there needs to be some loose strands on the side of her face though as it appears in every skin even when she has her hair up. :)
  • Skyerzz
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    Skyerzz polycounter lvl 5
    Straight cut feels the most appropriate for a robot. I would make the front view more straight and maybe even lower, But defiantly straighter. medium_blunt_bob.jpg
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    I really like how this is going! Voting for 2, I love straight cut styles.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Skyerzz wrote: »
    Straight cut feels the most appropriate for a robot. I would make the front view more straight and maybe even lower, But defiantly straighter.

    That's kind of what I was thinking. The bangs definitely add more, but there should be a more controlled look. Thanks for the input!
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    I really like how this is going! Voting for 2, I love straight cut styles.

    Thanks for the input. So far #2 is the stronger option.
  • PhaseVariant
    Hey just wanted to stop by and say I love the model so far. Great job! I was wondering how you were going to approach this. And yeah #2 fits the model better.
  • Abrvpt
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    Abrvpt polycounter lvl 4
    Nice progress ! She looks much better with her new legs. =)
    For the hair my personal choice would go to n°1, but n°2 fits great to both dancer and cybord theme. Good work !
  • Dantert
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    Dantert polycounter lvl 10
    Nice redesign!
  • haZe
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    haZe greentooth
    Also a fan of the straight cut. Go go go!
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Update: Orianna outer frame complete


    Here's the latest WIP.

    Thanks to all you that helped me pick which bangs to use. It's much better this way, I think.

    There are a few notes about this piece and how it's starting to come together. Orianna's bun is a gear sphere (example: here). Being a clockwork dancer, This will *cough* hopefully *cough* animate properly in a loop. A similar, if not slightly more complicated, gear sphere will be the engine that makes up her ball/weapon. The gear spheres are slightly poly intensive, but they're made up of only 2 different gears so the texture strain is pretty low.

    As you can tell, I opted out of the radially symmetrical skirt. I couldn't find a way to make the silhouette very elegant with it. This one feel much lighter, I think.

    Unfortunately, GoZ corrupted my file where I was building the back key. I was testing how the creases look at a higher resolution, and now this is the key I'm stuck with. I havent decided if I want to go back and remake it just so I have a lower res one. I plan to retopo it anyway after sculpting it, sooooo...

    Anyway... enough yapping. Time to start winding down and hitting this little lady tomorrow.

    NEXT PHASE: Bringing back the Baroque!
  • future-fiction
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    future-fiction greentooth
    This is looking really cool, I love the mechanical parts! I feel like the limbs are a bit too human looking though - that slight muscle definition you have for the deltoid looks at odds with the mechanical joint, I think simplifying the forms to be cleaner and more cylindrical would work better. The collarbone and chest area too could be smoothed out. I really like her metal knees, and the design of the feet is cool but I think the shape of the foot is a bit wide, especially compared to the slender lower calves, and needs some refining on a low sub d to get the shapes to read more elegantly. Something inspired by Aegis' "feet" from persona 3 could be interesting! The hair is executed really nicely btw!
    Sorry for crit bomb but I really like this character so far!
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    future-fiction: No worried for the crit-bomb. Honestly, I expect more people to tear this little lady to shreds. It's funny you mention Persona. I watched my ex play through that game, as I was in awe of the way they did Aegis (and later Labrys). I thought they way they simplified the legs was genius. I'd be lying if I said I didn't pull a lot of inspiration from the series. :D I experimented around with the foot and ultimately, I believe you were correct. The widness of her foot was throwing off the slender curviness of the silhouette. It was adding to much to the bottom of the character which is not what I wanted. That brings me to the deltoid curves softening idea. I messed around with the shape and trying to simplify it without losing too much of the silhouette curves. I couldn't find a way to do it without crossing that line of "too robotic". The concept I have will have the mechanical part mostly covered. So the contrast between internal robotic parts and slender organic forms should be greatly lessened. But I'll definitely be keeping that in mind to make sure it wont become a problem. :D
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    UPDATE: Internal mechanical joints and parts complete. (Long post, skip to bottom for TL;DR)

    Here's Ori with the mechanical parts in place.

    She has a clockwork gear system setup inside of her torso. The idea is that these gears will animate accordingly. Since that was a major point of the model from stage 1, I somewhat already knew how I wanted to approach it. The hard part was making shoulder and hip joints that "look" like they're functional. Orianna has a pretty tragic death animation in LoL where she breaks down and falls into a bunch of parts. I wanted my Orianna to be able to do the same. It's one of her animations that I feel really captures the tragedy that is Orianna as we know her. So all the joints need to be functional as well as be able to break limbs off. That was the hard part. Lol.

    After the mechanical parts were all planned out, it was time to start blocking in the scroll work. The scroll work is supposed to be heavy in "clothed" areas to simulate a ballerina dress, thighhighs (maaaaaybe) and ornaments. Here's the pic:

    I love doing this kind of work.

    EDIT: Don't mind the black polypainting. I use polypainting to save complex masks.

    TL;DR: mechanical insides done and fancy baroque detail started.
  • Turret
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    Turret polycounter lvl 11
    Her body is looking cool, I like all the mechanical joins and dress. Its a little hard to tell without a straight on shot but her shoulders, because of the gap, look like they are wider and extend lower then they should on a female. They look a little too broken and detached from her. Also it would be nice to see another pass on the face to bring it up to the same level as the body. For example the body parts, legs and arms, for the most part are very smooth and follow the anatomy, as if each large chunk was molded to match perfectly. The face however has harsh planar edges which takes away from the attractiveness and makes it feel like the head doesn't belong. I would suggest making a normal smooth female face and only putting in some slight creases where a few metal plates are connecting.

    Just my 2 cents, looking forward to seeing the finished model, keep it up. =)
  • AHand
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    AHand polycounter lvl 8
    Really enjoying the model so far, keep up the nice work!
  • chains16
    are the end bits on the skirt going to be changed? the rest of the model is fantastic, but the geometric shapes there are clashing a bit... though i don't really have any ideas as to what you could replace them with
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Really love where this is going but some of the floral designs are getting too noisy in my opinion. It detracts from some of her larger more simplistic, readable shapes. Given the nature of LOL and how the characters need to be stylized and readable from a topdown distance, I would focus less on those small designs and more on shapes. Great work so far!
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    Turret: I'll upload a straight front view to give a better look at the silhouette when I get home. I'll have to take a look at how the shoulders look anatomically. That's a good point. I still have to go deeper into her face and soften her up a bit more. I definitely dont want her looking too.. angular.

    chains16: The skirt bottom planes are there as placeholders. I wanted to see how the silhouette would be effected and size them up. I was planning on doing more scroll work for them, but after slosh's comment, I'm rethinking of how I'm going to do it.

    slosh: This is a very interesting point. I may have to block in some less noisy larger-scale scroll work to see if it helps readability.

    Thanks for all the comments!

    Hopefully I can upload an update after work.
  • Rusty_Gvfx
    Wowowow this is soo good! Keeping an eye on this one.
  • 3shold
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    3shold polycounter lvl 7
    WOW WEE. I've had a hell of a few weeks. Between unfathomably heavy family issues, catching the blasted flu, and having to move (unplanned) I haven't had much time to work.

    BUT, I'm back. And I'll be the first to admit that I might not have enough time to finish by the deadline. However, I still want to finish this piece. It might be for my own piece of mind, but I'm going to do it dammit.

    Here is a LOOOONG overdue update:

    This is most of the high poly done for Orianna proper. I've got a few tweaks to do to her (mainly hair trim, hand, and proportion issues that bother me). Next up ... the gear sphere that makes up her weapon and friend. Luckily, I planned how I'm going to tackle this little guy. And I can't really make him until I''ve UV'd the gears that make up Ori's insides and a few extra decorative ones. I plan to save texture space by reusing the same 4 or 5 gears. And these gears will be made of a lot of overlapping UV's. So.. I've gotta hunker down and make those.

    I wonder if I should bake before then. perhaps.
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